Help for newbie: Win 10 - RT has stopped working. A problem caused

Lenovo P7 laptop
Win10 Home
i7-6700HQ CPU
64 bit

If I can believe Windows Explorer, the file extension is ‘RAW’.

I have already done the steps in ‘How-to-fix_crashes_on-startup’. Thanks for your help. This is looking like more of a problem that I anticipated. I will contact the camera manufacturer for assistance finding a RAW editor.

Ok. If you get us some samples we might be able to help get support going for you. :slight_smile:

I updated How to fix crashes on startup - RawPedia

@johngithens please follow those instructions again and clearly describe at which step RawTherapee crashes. Does it even crash when you follow step #1?

@Morgan_Hardwood There were several points where my experience was different than as described in ‘How to fix…’ .
Yes, RT crashes before and after Step 1.

My experience:

  1. Step 1.2: The second line was not “StartupPath=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator”. The path was different. (yes, I adjusted the path later as instructed)
  2. Step 1.3, 4, 5: No problem following exactly.
  3. Step 1.6: RT crashed after loading to the point of the Windows message.
  4. Step 2: There was no “Batch” folder to delete. RT crashed again.
  5. Step 3: Followed instructions. RT crashed again.
  6. Step 4: (At this point, there appears to be some other problem that is not addressed on the ‘How to fix…’ page.)

Link to test file.

Update: The source of the MAPIR camera has clarified that I need to use a provided plugin to convert this camera’s RAW image files to TIFF files prior to further editing. Apparently this resolves my questions. Thanks everyone for your help.

Well of course the new info about MAPIR camera files does not answer all of my questions. RT still crashes soon after opening, so it would be great to resolve that problem so I can use RT.

@johngithens I just re-wrote that guide, it was in dire need of a rewrite. Now it should be more clear and easy to follow.

It would be very strange if RawTherapee crashed while opening an empty folder during startup, and in fact your screenshot shows that the folder is not empty. Could you please go through the rewritten guide, especially step 1?

Thanks Morgan. RT still crashes after opening. And it still appears to be opening a folder that has content, not the new Test folder. See attached screenshot.

If you created an empty folder and set RawTherapee to open it on startup, but RT instead opens some other folder, then you’re most likely editing the wrong options file.

Another way to point RawTherapee to a folder on startup without touching any options file is from command-line (cmd):
c:\programs\rawtherapee\rawtherapee.exe c:\test

@Morgan_Hardwood I did discover two folders with RT options files, so I deleted one folder named ‘Rawtherapee’, then updated the options file in the folder ‘Rawtherapee 4.2’. See screenshot ‘jg 1’ (but no success with opening RT).

After doing some searching on the web, there are many results claiming “how to uninstall Rawtherapee”. Perhaps I have failed to find the procedure that works with v 1464 on my new Win10 Lenovo.

Then I attempted to use the command line prompt in many ways. Sorry, but if there is some nuance with using the command line, I am missing that/those details. Every permutation based on your instructions that I tried failed.

While I am learning a lot in this journey, and thanks for your patience, using RT may be more than I am ready to take on.

See screenshot ‘jg 2’ (no success with opening RT).

Wasn’t easy, but I finally got a screenshot of a brief window that opens just before RT. Maybe there is a clue there. See attached ‘jg 3’.

@johngithens thank you for hanging on. There is an easy solution: TeamViewer QuickSupport TeamViewer Windows Download for Remote Desktop access and collaboration
If you’re up for letting me troubleshoot your PC remotely, run TeamViewer QS, message me your ID and password in a private message, and I’ll connect and try to find the cause.

@Morgan Great, PM sent.

We solved the problem via TeamViewer, now @johngithens 's RawTherapee works, and we are analyzing the faulty files.

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And John Githens very much appreciates the help! Now up a few learning curves with RT. Looking forward to learning more.


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@johngithens you’re welcome. If the files I uploaded to FileBin are lost (filebin is still dead, seems I killed it), then I may need to re-connect and reproduce. Please don’t delete the “crash” folder yet, we’ll see if filebin works tomorrow.

@johngithens @Morgan_Hardwood FileBin is up again and I downloaded the files. I confirm the crash. Making debug build now…

The file which crashed your rt at startup is a 52781 x 12078 jpeg file. My first thought was an int16 overflow, but the 9670 x 34045 jpeg file does not crash. I’m searching for the reason of the crash. I guess I will findandfix it tomorrow :slight_smile:

But even if I can avoid the crash, I don’t know whether rt can process this file. Even using neutral profile rt needs about 16 GB of memory to process and save it at full size

For what it may be worth, I do not have any deadline schedule to meet by using RT. :slight_smile: Nor do I expect to enhance those large files with RT or anything else. They were a product from earlier work that did not succeed as hoped. My research went in another direction that has worked out well enough. So no rush on my end to get RT working with those large files. I am happy to get started with RT on (much) smaller image files, now that my startup problem was resolved by Morgan.