my lightning talk at LGM 2019 has been approved, so now I need to do my best to advertise PhotoFlow in 5 minutes!
Hence this call for help: if you have a good example of an edit that profited from the tools and features of PhF, and you are willing to share it, this is the place for you!
The talk is short, so I need 4 or 5 good examples that will make the audience jump to their keyboards and download PhF without any hesitation
I’ve found the dynamic range compression paired with the tone mapping modules to be superior to anything else I’ve used. I’ll see if I can dig out a few examples.
There is a lot of advanced stuff going on in PhotoFlow. Talking about them would be boring. I would choose the features that are an instant win. E.g., I have been enjoying Filmic (OCIO) a lot. It is so simple but more satisfying that the other more parameter heavy tone mapping modules.
Too bad that the masks don’t work in the last AppImage (or I do something wrong). For example, every time I insert the curves as a mask, turn on “show mask” and then move the curve, it crashes.
And what I also noticed, the sliders of some filters, like “Colour Correction” for example, are hardly usable, because even the very small shifts give the extreme results. it remains only the annoying way to type in the values.
On the other hand, as @afre already mentioned, filmic (OCIO) in combination with tone mapping and dynamic range compression is simply unbeatable. You have done that very well!
@s7habo I mentioned the two issues already. The first should be fixed; however, the crashes happen so often with masking that I suspect there might be multiple issues at play. The second should be easy to amend. I suggest simply changing the scale of the more sensitive sliders (@Carmelo_DrRaw).
That’s a very nice example! I’d love to have the files, so that I can make a screenshot with a diagonal line showing the before/after side-by-side. Thanks!
Concerning the masking, the first thing I want to mention is that you cannot put a curves layer in a mask without any layer below it (or at least , not yet). Typically, you would put a clone tool as the first one, and clone the layer you want to use as a luminance mask. Then you can put a curves on top of it to adjust the luminance…
Otherwise, could you briefly describe what you are doing?
Also @afre: I know that the color correction sliders are over-sensitive, particularly the offsets. I am preparing a new version with better slider ranges, as well as the ability to load and save standard ASC-CDL files, so that “looks” can be easily interchanged…
Looks like the tone mapping part is making everybody quite happy… good to know!
If you have some good example, you are more than welcome.
I totally agree, both regarding what to showcase in the talk, and concerning the simplicity of the OCIO Filmic. Hopefully I will come up with an equivalently simple tool, but with some improved color handling.
@s7habo Thanks for the images! I have finally found some time for playing with the files you shared, mainly to achieve a similar output with the latest tools available, plus testing the effect of “hue restoration”.
“Hue restoration” here means that I have added on top of the stack a clone of the initial RAW processing, and set the blend mode of the clone to “H (LCh)”.
Why this is needed?
The various color and tone adjustments, applied on the RGB channels, have the effect of moving the hues away from the original values. For example, the dry water plants turn more yellow, and the water gets a cyan cast.