Help pls building dt Master, gone weird tonight...

Following the command git submodule update I have the output
Cloning into '/home/paulssd2/DT-Mast-15Jan20/darktable-code/src/tests/integration'...
This step has taken a long time (minutes) and downloaded 455Mb of what I’m guessing is the integration test pack!
I presume this is a mistake; or can it be me?
Out of interest, are the expected images checked by eye or is it automated?

You need to read the darktable-dev mailing list. This is intentional.

Automated, based on DeltaE on image.

@Pascal_Obry sent this to both the user and dev lists:

If you don’t care about the integration tests and want to avoid
downloading the tests you can do:

$ git config submodule.src/test/integration.update none

And when you update, it’s recommended not to use the --recurse-submodules option to git pull.

I’m about to test this myself. :slight_smile:

And PLEASE USE UPDATED COMMAND, I missed the s in the first, the command is:

$ git config submodule.src/tests/integration.update none
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Yes, thanks. An easy way to test whether it’s effective: execute git submodule update. If its output includes Skipping submodule 'src/tests/integration', all should be OK.

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Thanks folks, I’ll do this next time I build.
Am I right to say the sequence (or a sequence) is -
git clone …
git checkout master
git config submodule.src/tests/integration.update none
git submodule init
git submodule update

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Once you’ve cloned the repository, you don’t need to do it again. Same for checking out the master branch and for submodule init.

git clean -d -f -x # gets rid of any local changes, including the previous 'build' directory, so you start with a clean slate
git submodule update # updates submodules
git pull --rebase # gets the latest changes for your current branch
./ ...

Since I have an old computer, I start my script with the following commands, reducing the CPU and I/O priorities of the build process:

renice -n 19 -p $$
ionice -c 3 -p $$

@kofa, thanks. Should the line about the integration tests be in there?

You only need to tell git once that you don’t want them.