Help with culling mode in Darktable

The first two screenshots are tighter crops of the DT GIU …both Top Bottom and left and right panels can also be hidden as usual with the tab key and images can be advanced or rewound using either the up and down arrow or the left and right arrow…both seem to work. I think most of the star and color shortcut keys can also be applied…This represents a 32" monitor screen just FYI

@priort That would make a nice tetraptych. :slight_smile:

Had to go to the dictionary for that one…

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Thanks for adding this very desirable feature! I’ve tried out both expose and culling modes and find expose to be much more useful for my workflow - the two or more images I am comparing are not necessarily always in order, so the fact that culling always shows the X after the currently-selected image isn’t as useful to me. I really like being able to quickly select the images of interest in expose, hit tab, and CTRL+scroll and pan. Once I’ve found one to eliminate, hovering over it and hitting “r” marks it as rejected. Since I have the view filter set to “all except rejected”, this removes the rejected image from the lighttable and I can continue to refine the list until the best shot is found.

One suggestion might be a toggle to only show the original image without any processing for the fastest possible comparison. Often times I am comparing sharpness or composition and don’t need to see the changes any modules that have been applied are making - just comparing the two original images will do to get the one that is best (and not waiting for a module’s changes to be applied if one of those images has some edits on it).