Hi All,
Begining GMIC user here and could use some help ith the gmic map command.
I dynamically create an 8-bit 2-D array, with at most 8 levels (classes), one which is the background,
Values in array are are 0,16,48…240.
NOTE: I can have less than 8 classes
I then create a png:
gmic ENV_array.txt -output ENV_gmic.png
#Wish I had known before gmic can take an array directly:-(
I want to map the 8 levels from (0,16,48…255) → (green, lime, yellow, blah, orange, red). 8 discreet colors.
Basically a map ranging from low risk to high.
Or if there are less than 8, still map each to the appropriate color.
Don’t know what I should do when there’s empty classes, yet, maybe map to very distinct color (e.g cyan or something, but how would I do this?
Where I’m at:
gmic ENV_gmic.png +luminance map[-2] 3 -output EL434_env_map2.png
Interesting, but not really correct. I see that map[-2] uses one of the internal color tables
I would like to define my own clut and pass it to map.
Also trying to understand this from the docs, but I obviously need more reading…
gmic ENV_gmic.png +rgb2ycbcr split[-1] c (0,255,0) resize[-1] 256,1,1,1,3 map[-4] [-1] remove[-1] append[-3–1] c ycbcr2rgb[-1]
Images are free to a good home
BTW, I asked a related question in the summer,