I can’t get the built in Mac trackpad to zoom, shrink image by pinching. I’m on latest 2.10.38 and on Mac just upgraded to 15.1.1.
Almost certain I could pinch to zoom in and out…
Can it be done or am I mixing it up with photoshop??
I can’t get the built in Mac trackpad to zoom, shrink image by pinching. I’m on latest 2.10.38 and on Mac just upgraded to 15.1.1.
Almost certain I could pinch to zoom in and out…
Can it be done or am I mixing it up with photoshop??
Anyone !??
Have you tried to adjust the gestures in the System Preferences?
NB: I no longer have a Mac in my hand to try, let alone a new system.
Yep. But I’m not a power user with gimp. Touch should work with it , right? Pretty sure I remember using it with gimp….
I don’t have a MacBook to try anymore. The settings in the System Preferences (Mac OS) normally work in all applications.
Why GIMP? You didn’t mention it in your question.
The best thing is to try:
Because Gimp is the program I use for channnel splitting and I find it helpful to be bole to zoom in/out. I just can’t remember if it’s that program or Photoshop where the trackpad works for that. I’ve adjusted some setting on Mac preferences for trackpad with no effect. Bit it does work in other programs. Just find it odd that it wouldn’t in Gimp. That said, after latest update to Gimp and Sequoia, I now get some error message when opening a file in gimp. Apple says it’s a gimp error and no response on the gimp goes other than this:
This came up in https://www.reddit.com/r/GIMP/comments/1fw1jxa/opening_true_failed_error_opening_file_true_no/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/GIMP/comments/1fwj34m/gimp_error_message_no_such_file_or_directory_how/, but there is not much more information than that this is happening.
It seems to affect macOS 15 users, and started happening to them without any changes to GIMP itself.