Here's a nice bird to play with.

Hi @Manoj_Rai and welcome! Can you post your sidecar file and tell us about the software you used?

Thanks :slight_smile:

If I look at your edit you don’t have anything to be ashamed of, on the contrary. In the end it is about the result you created and people might want to know how you accomplished something (be it at random or conscious).

Then again, this isn’t so much about the sidecar being helpful (or not). Posting the sidecar with your edit is the way it is done in the Play Raw section of this board.

Anyway: Welcome to Pixls, hope to see more of your contributions!


Ohh sorry i was not aware of that.

Thank you.

pr.marabou.stork.dt321.nef.xmp (31.2 KB)

Nice picture. I shoot a lot of birds, so I’m always interested in avian raw shots to compare notes. I used my regular workflow of filmic/exposure, tone equalizer and color balance and then some local tweaks.

Plumage can be hard… Here’s the contrast equalizer approach that been using to bring out fine detail without losing the softness of the bird, although this fella doesn’t seem to be very soft.

Stork Contrast Equalizer

Note that I restrict the contrast boost to the right most bar where all the fine detail is located. Anything to the left begins to make the bird a bit harsh. I’d be interested in other perspectives on this.

Thanks for sharing!

PS - I don’t know why you can’t expand this photo… I can try again if someone has a suggestion


I don’t have any problems with it expanding.

I have noticed, though, that this phenomenon turns up every so often and it seems to be time/user specific. Haven’t found a way to reproduce this in a consistent way, so calling in the troops to fix it is a no-go atm.

DT 3.0.2

pr.marabou.stork.dt321.nef.xmp (10.9 KB)

It started working after I made the comment… go figure

Went looking for a bird to mask…beautiful photo…

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