High contrast sunny urban scene (that i find hard)

Hello, high contrast scene from a sunny street in the south of France. I find it hard to edit, a part of the wall is raw clipped (top left), and i get very different results depending on the tools i use, and none are completely satisfactory. I try to let the wall bright, else i get a flat non-sunny/non-realistic feel, but at the same time it feels clipped. Wanted to see what u can do! Thanks and have a nice day!

darktable/filmic edit

20220910-00489.arw (20.1 MB)
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I like this kind of challenge :wink:
This is an edit using sigmoid, tone EQ (2 instances), segmentation based HLR, and diffuse and sharpen. edit: Forgot to say, I’m using the brand new DT 4.2.
I like playing sigmoid and tone eq against each other, pushing the contrast in sigmoid until the local contrast and saturation is right, then using tone EQ to bring the overall contrast back down. Not always in that order. This isn’t necessarily the best way to do it!
20220910-00489.arw.xmp (12.8 KB)

After this I added a film simulation LUT from the Rawtherapee collection, and ‘corrected’ the perspective.

20220910-00489.arw.xmp (16.0 KB)


dt 4.2

Sigmoid defaults + inpaint opposed looks good to me.
I improved the result toning down the highlights with the tone equalizer.

20220910-00489_01.arw.xmp (8,0 KB)


20220910-00489.arw.xmp (17,9 KB)


DT 4.2

20220910-00489.arw.xmp (15,2 KB)

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another version

20220910-00489_01.arw.xmp (12.2 KB)

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My version…

20220910-00489.arw.xmp (15.2 KB)


This is my attempt. The main adjustments I did were the exposure and then I went to filmic and used auto levels. I then applied local contrast and shadow highlights before activating and using the tone equalizer module to further tweak the image by darken the brightest part of the building and lifting the dark shadows. I was happy with the result and hope it translates when posted here. Other modules such a sharpening with diffuse or sharpen module, basic colorfullness preset from the color balance module, denoise profiled, and lens correction were also used.

EDIT: Note it was my artistic choice how much to brighten the shadows and we may all have different views on this.

20220910-00489.arw.xmp (9.5 KB)


Punchy one…no filmic or sigmoid
20220910-00489.arw.xmp (10.9 KB)

And bit lighter.




Tricky one! I was tempted to apply perspective correction, but decided that the distortion adds to the image. In GIMP local adjustments to contrast and brightness.


Beautiful photo!
Achieving natural color degradation towards white and black is tricky in digital.
Personally I never mess with natural value relations in the picture. If it’s high contrast - so be it.


RawTherapee with film sim and local edits. I focused on bringing out details while preserving deep shadows.
20220910-00489-2.jpg.out.pp3 (28.7 KB)


Thanks for posting
darktable 4.2

20220910-00489_01.arw.xmp (10.2 KB)