Histogram Issues with OSC and StarNet in SIRIL

I recently upgraded from a Sony DSLR to the Player One Poseidon-C Pro and the Player One dual narrow band filter; however, I am now having issues with processing my images in SIRIL after running them through StarNet. When I attempt to apply the GHB or even the auto-stretch option in SIRIL to the starless image, the histogram slider resets to the left or the image becomes completely white. If I don’t run StarNet/remove the stars, then I am able to use GHB/other histogram functions on my stacked images. To ensure that the issue wasn’t with StarNet, I have tested stretching the starless images from my old DSLR projects, and I am able to use GHB without any issues. I’ve also tried stacking just the light frames, processing the images using the dual narrow band option in SIRILIC, and I’ve even toggled with every possible combination of settings in the StarNet module with no success.

Other details: My process before running StarNet is background extraction, color calibration, and noise removal, and I am stacking my images using SIRILIC. This is how I have processed DSLR and OSC images.

I haven’t seen anyone else with my exact issue, so I was hoping someone could help point me in the right direction or tell me if I have missed some glaringly obvious problem.

Did you check the visualization sliders? They must be set on 0 and 65535

I doublechecked and tested with the correct values in the visualization sliders, but I’m still getting the same error/unresponsive histogram.

After submitting a ticket to the SIRIL team on GitLab, it appears this issue is a bug triggered by my image’s data exceeding SIRIL’s max range of 255. The devs are working on fixing it, and they kindly provided a workaround in the interim (see ticket comments): Histogram/GHB Function Not Stretching Starless Image After Running StarNet++ (#1244) · Issues · FA / Siril · GitLab