Hoodoo Hike, have fun....I did.

Went out this morning to check out a location I’ve been meaning to shoot for some time now. Definitely a good bit of hiking, and at least a couple of decent pictures…
Light was mostly flat, which I actually enjoyed today…though I do think this location would be great with some dramatic lighting.

I chose this pic for a PlayRaw because it has a nice bit of colour separation that I think many of you could have a bit of fun with.
I’ll take a shot at it in the morning.

P1060554.RW2 (14.3 MB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.


I found the colours fairly muted, so I went a little crazy, perhaps …

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I don’t think so :innocent:

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I wonder if there was no possibility to leave the car for a few seconds.


Maybe this photo asks for it…

Thank you for the play. With ART, GIMP and G’MIC.


Here is my version! With darktable and a custom film simulation.


I think you are right. Pushing the colours a little further:

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My version with ART. I used vibration, haze removal and tone curve.

P1060554.jpg.out.arp (11.8 KB)

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I had a quick go at it while waiting for my coffee. Again, just using scene referred modules with DT.
Most adjustments for the final look took place with the colour balance module, tone, and contrast equalizers. One graduated density filter in the top left corner to try to even out the blown out sky.
@Popanz I was out of the car…that’s just the lens hood I stubbornly refuse to remove while shooting.


My fun with ART and GIMP


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This is so damn good! Can’t stop dreaming about this becoming a darktable module.

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Glad you liked it @mikae1! Indeed, I also would love to have something similar straight in darktable!
With more time when the work will slow down I could experiment with a module. Feels a bit scary, though :laughing: But I could reach out for help by more expert people here! Also other people in the forum seem to be working/worked on similar projects, so it could be cool to put something together by helping each other.
I am still experimenting with new features, I will play with coupler inhibitors for example, to increase even more saturation and sharpness of negatives.

Remind me what this is…it’s not a lut??

My play, keep it simple and accentuates the colors a bit

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I am using data I could recover from datasheets of film stocks and print paper to simulate this pipeline

from [Giorgianni, Madden, Kriss - Digital Color Management Wiley 2009].

The original scene is modeled from a linear rgb conversion of a raw file (with darktable in my case), then I try to simulate all the steps in the sketch, going through a virtual negative and the scan of a print. I am not trying to recover perfectly the look of a film stock, which is intuitively not possible solely with the datasheets, but going close enough and having a model “with knobs” to tune the look. In contrast to LUT where everything is prebaked.


Thanks for explaining. I appreciate the time and effort you spent to craft this reply…

Added some fake clouds, resynthesized (healed) the black areas and G’MIC enhanced the details. :slight_smile:


I tried not to get carried away, but wanted a different sigmoid treatment for the sky and the foreground.
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