How best to import multiple folders into digiKam?

What is the best way to import multiple folders into the top level of digiKam’s collections, without having to sit and wait to be ready to select the next one after each one completes the import?
Can it be scripted somehow?
Can one do multiple selections from the import folder selection dialog?

Hi @LarsPoulsen,
Are you doing any modifications during the import like renaming or adding metadata?

If not, the easiest thing to do is to use the file system to copy the directories under the directory that is the root of the collection. Once all the files are copied, in digiKam right-click on the root and select “Refresh”. digiKam will find all of the new images.


What you suggest is indeed the BEST way … if the files on the hard drive are set up so that there is a directory that is to be imported in toto. Unfortunately, this drive which has been building up slowly over decades, has about 50 folders at the top level, only about 30 if which are to be imported.

In the end, I may rearrange it to fit this better pattern, but as you can imagine, I would prefer not to, because it would mean changing many of my Linux-Perl scripts… But if it has to be done, now is the time to do it.

I’m on Windows, but maybe this is also possible in Linux.

What I would try to solve your problem is to create a new root folder to serve as the root of the collection in digiKam. Then I would install those 30 folders under the root folder as symbolic links.

Maybe this would work.