I would like to add a vectorshape or paintbrush mask right about where I’ve marked the image with red in order to include it in the total mask.
I can mask that area with the parametric mask, trouble is, that will mask large parts of the sky as well. I’ve already used paintbrush to eliminate areas in the sky, but I can’t seem to paint a stroke that includes rather than exclude from the sky. It’s either “all strokes include, or all strokes exclude” - the vectorshape seems to have the same limitation.
Boris Hajdukovic is really making awesome videos on darktable, I’m learning so much from them. I’ll watch the episodes you mention - but … I’m hoping for an answer that will help me here and now. Thanks a lot tho - definitely worth watching!
Igot pretty close with only the details slider and some of the mask modifiers…there was a little left in the residual darker cloud but with a touch of the grey channel I got most of that out…with a bit more fiddling I think I could clean it up…
The thing is that the holes in the middle are see through while the hole i marked with red is “see through glass” - so the holes in the middle should survive.
If I can find a way to mask the area I’ve marked with red, the mask would be perfect.
Do you know there is also the mask manager module ? Unsure if it’s helpful in this particular case, but it can be extremely powerful for managing drawn masks.
I got a mask on the object and wires that selected the desired area…there were now a few spots in the sky unselected so I painted them in inclusive mode…
If you invert the whole mask for either one you have to tweak opacity to get the inverted version but you can… I also had to add a couple of brushes to clean it up when inverted but it was pretty good…