### Describe the bug
When using the astrophoto denoise module, darktable crashe…s suddenly.
I have seen darktable crashing this way:
- after entering the darkroom with an image that uses the astro/denoise
- directly after activating the astro/denoise
- while playing with the sliders in the module
The crashes only happen, when OpenCL is not active.
### Steps to reproduce
1. deactivate OpenCL
2. enter the darkroom
3. activate the astrophoto denoise
4. play around with the sliders
(darktable crashes probably after a few seconds, if you even came until here)
### Expected behavior
not crash
### Logfile | Screenshot | Screencast
Unfortunatly the logfile provided in AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\darktable does not provide reliably the logging information (sometimes just no data is written into the log), but I managed to capture one crash in the log. Here I entered the darkroom, activated the astrophoto denoise and play for about 5sek. with the sliders:
version: darktable 4.3.0+2181~gb53a0d32af
start: 2023:05:15 16:06:46
0.0001 application_directory: D:\Tools\darktable.nightly\darktable\bin
0.0004 darktable.datadir: D:\Tools\darktable.nightly\darktable\share\darktable
0.0006 darktable.plugindir: D:\Tools\darktable.nightly\darktable\lib\darktable
0.0007 darktable.localedir: D:\Tools\darktable.nightly\darktable\share\locale
0.0013 darktable.configdir: C:\Users\rober\AppData\Local\darktable
0.0015 darktable.cachedir: C:\Users\rober\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\darktable
0.0020 darktable.sharedir: D:\Tools\darktable.nightly\darktable\share
0.0022 darktable.tmpdir: C:\Users\rober\AppData\Local\Temp
0.0022 new_xdg_data_dirs: (NULL)
0,2799 [lcms2] error 11: not an ICC profile, invalid signature
0,3094 output profile `DELL U2711 #1 2023-04-04 21-20 2.2 F-S XYZLUT+MTX' color space `RGB ' not supported for work or histogram profile
0,3094 output profile `sRGB v4 ICC preference perceptual intent beta' color space `RGB ' not supported for work or histogram profile
20,0357 [dt_worker_threads] using 4 worker threads
20,0445 [dt_get_sysresource_level] switched to 2 as `large'
20,0446 total mem: 32693MB
20,0446 mipmap cache: 4086MB
20,0446 available mem: 22348MB
20,0446 singlebuff: 510MB
20,0446 OpenCL tune mem: OFF
20,0446 OpenCL pinned: OFF
[opencl_init] opencl related configuration options:
[opencl_init] opencl: OFF
[opencl_init] opencl_scheduling_profile: 'default'
[opencl_init] opencl_library: 'default path'
[opencl_init] opencl_device_priority: '+*/+*/+*/+*/+*'
[opencl_init] opencl_mandatory_timeout: 600
[opencl_init] opencl library 'OpenCL.dll' found on your system and loaded
[opencl_init] found 1 platform
[opencl_init] found 1 device
DEVICE: 0: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660'
CANONICAL NAME: nvidiacudanvidiageforcegtx1660
MAX IMAGE SIZE: 32768 x 32768
MAX WORK ITEM SIZES: [ 1024 1024 64 ]
KERNEL BUILD DIRECTORY: D:\Tools\darktable.nightly\darktable\share\darktable\kernels
KERNEL DIRECTORY: C:\Users\rober\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\darktable\cached_v1_kernels_for_NVIDIACUDANVIDIAGeForceGTX1660_52756
CL COMPILER OPTION: -cl-fast-relaxed-math
[opencl_init] OpenCL successfully initialized. Internal numbers and names of available devices:
[opencl_init] 0 'NVIDIA CUDA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660'
[opencl_init] FINALLY: opencl is AVAILABLE and NOT ENABLED.
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] these are your device priorities:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] image preview export thumbs preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 0 0 0 0 0
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] show if opencl use is mandatory for a given pixelpipe:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] image preview export thumbs preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 1 1 1 1 1
[opencl_synchronization_timeout] synchronization timeout set to 200
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] these are your device priorities:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] image preview export thumbs preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 0 0 0 0 0
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] show if opencl use is mandatory for a given pixelpipe:
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] image preview export thumbs preview2
[dt_opencl_update_priorities] 1 1 1 1 1
[opencl_synchronization_timeout] synchronization timeout set to 200
20,9360 [dt_worker_threads] using 4 worker threads
35,4284 [avif_open] failed to parse `D:\Fotos.DT\2023\2023-05\A7_04627.ARW': BMFF parsing failed
35,4286 [rawspeed_open] extensions list to ignore: `cr3'
35,5447 [dt_dev_read_history_ext] temporary history deleted
35,5448 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for filmicrgb
35,5449 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for basecurve
35,5450 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for colormapping
35,5451 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for channelmixerrgb
35,5464 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for colorin
35,5464 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for crop
35,5465 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for exposure
35,5465 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for retouch
35,5465 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for clipping
35,5465 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for flip
35,5465 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for ashift
35,5466 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for cacorrectrgb
35,5503 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for lens
35,5504 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for scalepixels
35,5504 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rotatepixels
35,5506 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for denoiseprofile
35,5507 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for demosaic
35,5507 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rawdenoise
35,5507 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for hotpixels
35,5507 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for cacorrect
35,5510 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for highlights
35,5512 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for temperature
35,5513 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for invert
35,5513 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rawprepare
35,5758 [dt_dev_read_history_ext] temporary history initialised with default params and presets
35,5759 [dt_dev_read_history_ext] temporary history merged with image history
35,5762 [history] successfully loaded module rawprepare from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
35,5763 [history] successfully loaded module colorout from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 5: version ok params ok
35,5763 [history] successfully loaded module gamma from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 1: version ok params ok
35,5763 [history] successfully loaded module temperature from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 3: version ok params ok
35,5763 [history] successfully loaded module highlights from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 4: version ok params ok
35,5764 [history] successfully loaded module flip from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
35,5764 [history] successfully loaded module channelmixerrgb from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 3: version ok params ok
35,5764 [history] successfully loaded module colorbalancergb from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 5: version ok params ok
35,5764 [history] successfully loaded module colorin from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 7: version ok params ok
35,5764 [history] successfully loaded module demosaic from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 4: version ok params ok
35,5765 [history] successfully loaded module dither from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 1: version ok params ok
35,5765 [history] successfully loaded module filmicrgb from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 6: version ok params ok
35,5766 [history] successfully loaded module lens from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 7: version ok params ok
35,5766 [history] successfully loaded module lowpass from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 4: version ok params ok
35,5766 [history] successfully loaded module sigmoid from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 1: version ok params ok
35,5766 [history] successfully loaded module tonecurve from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 5: version ok params ok
35,5767 [history] successfully loaded module toneequal from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
35,5767 [history] successfully loaded module nlmeans from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
35,5767 [history] successfully loaded module nlmeans from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
35,6019 [pixelpipe] [thumbnail] synch all modules with defaults_params
35,7403 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "float", field: aspect
35,7403 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "dt_iop_borders_params_t"
35,7403 [pixelpipe] [thumbnail] synch all modules with history
35,7404 [committed params] [thumbnail] raw black/white point piece hash 12019985144866176049,
35,7666 [committed params] [thumbnail] output color profile piece hash 10257528088492143908,
35,7668 [committed params] [thumbnail] display encoding piece hash 7567884774754821,
35,7668 [committed params] [thumbnail] white balance piece hash 17961300604425296543,
35,7669 [committed params] [thumbnail] highlight reconstruction piece hash 3307084671869933528,
35,7669 [committed params] [thumbnail] orientation piece hash 6381475781,
35,7670 [committed params] [thumbnail] color calibration piece hash 0,
35,7671 [committed params] [thumbnail] color balance rgb piece hash 0,
35,7671 [committed params] [thumbnail] input color profile piece hash 8458784419482823018,
35,7672 [committed params] [thumbnail] demosaic piece hash 12713709861679059410,
35,7672 [committed params] [thumbnail] dither or posterize piece hash 13687523017005419549,
35,7672 [committed params] [thumbnail] filmic rgb piece hash 0,
35,7673 [committed params] [thumbnail] lens correction piece hash 12613136971812541566,
35,7686 [committed params] [thumbnail] lowpass piece hash 0,
35,7688 [committed params] [thumbnail] sigmoid piece hash 0,
35,7726 [committed params] [thumbnail] tone curve piece hash 0,
35,7904 [committed params] [thumbnail] tone equalizer piece hash 0,
35,7905 [committed params] [thumbnail] astrophoto denoise piece hash 15691798441566557050,
35,7906 [committed params] [thumbnail] astrophoto denoise piece hash 15691798441566557050,
35,7906 [dt_imageio_export_with_flags] 35,7906
35,7907 rawprepare 35,7907 temperature 35,7907 highlights 35,7907 demosaic 35,7907 lens 35,7907 flip 35,7907 colorin 35,7907 nlmeans 35,7908 colorout 35,7908 dither 35,7908 gamma 35,7908 (11)
35,7909 [dt_imageio_export] [thumbnail] imgid 77145, 4688x7032 --> 73x110 (scale 0,015643). upscale=no, hq=no
35,7909 [pixelpipe starting on CPU] [thumbnail] ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156
35,7910 [modify roi IN] [thumbnail] orientation ( 0/ 0) 110x 73 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156
35,7912 [modify roi IN] [thumbnail] lens correction ( 0/ 0) 109x 73 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 110x 73 scale=0,0156
35,7912 [modify roi IN] [thumbnail] demosaic ( 0/ 0) 6968x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 109x 73 scale=0,0156
35,7913 [modify roi IN] [thumbnail] highlight reconstruction ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 6968x4688 scale=1,0000
35,7913 [modify roi IN] [thumbnail] raw black/white point ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000
35,7914 [pixelpipe data: full] [thumbnail] ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000
35,7914 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [thumbnail] raw black/white point ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000
35,8100 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [thumbnail] white balance ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000
35,8342 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [thumbnail] highlight reconstruction ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 6968x4688 scale=1,0000
35,9248 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [thumbnail] demosaic ( 0/ 0) 6968x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 109x 73 scale=0,0156
36,4817 [clip_and_zoom_roi] [thumbnail] demosaic ( 0/ 0) 6968x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 109x 73 scale=0,0156
37,6305 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [thumbnail] lens correction ( 0/ 0) 109x 73 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 110x 73 scale=0,0156
37,6319 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [thumbnail] orientation ( 0/ 0) 110x 73 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156
37,6320 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [thumbnail] input color profile ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156
37,6322 [matrix conversion on CPU] [thumbnail] input color profile ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156 `linear Rec2020 RGB'
37,6325 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [thumbnail] astrophoto denoise ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156
37,6329 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [thumbnail] output color profile ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156
37,6332 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [thumbnail] dither or posterize ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156
37,6333 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [thumbnail] display encoding ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156
37,6335 [cache report] [thumbnail] 2 lines (important=0, used=0). Used 1007MB, limit=0MB. hits/run=0,00, hits/test=0,000
37,6335 [pixelpipe finished] [thumbnail] ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156 --> ( 0/ 0) 73x 110 scale=0,0156
244,1642 [avif_open] failed to parse `D:\Fotos.DT\2023\2023-05\A7_04604.ARW': BMFF parsing failed
244,1644 [rawspeed_open] extensions list to ignore: `cr3'
244,2624 [dt_dev_read_history_ext] temporary history deleted
244,2625 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for filmicrgb
244,2625 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for basecurve
244,2626 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for colormapping
244,2626 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for channelmixerrgb
244,2635 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for colorin
244,2636 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for crop
244,2636 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for exposure
244,2636 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for retouch
244,2637 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for clipping
244,2637 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for flip
244,2637 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for ashift
244,2637 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for cacorrectrgb
244,2669 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for lens
244,2670 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for scalepixels
244,2670 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rotatepixels
244,2674 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for denoiseprofile
244,2674 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for demosaic
244,2674 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rawdenoise
244,2674 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for hotpixels
244,2674 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for cacorrect
244,2678 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for highlights
244,2682 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for temperature
244,2683 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for invert
244,2683 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rawprepare
244,2930 [dt_dev_read_history_ext] temporary history initialised with default params and presets
244,2931 [dt_dev_read_history_ext] temporary history merged with image history
244,2934 [history] successfully loaded module rawprepare from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
244,2935 [history] successfully loaded module colorout from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 5: version ok params ok
244,2936 [history] successfully loaded module gamma from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 1: version ok params ok
244,2936 [history] successfully loaded module temperature from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 3: version ok params ok
244,2936 [history] successfully loaded module highlights from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 4: version ok params ok
244,2937 [history] successfully loaded module flip from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
244,2937 [history] successfully loaded module channelmixerrgb from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 3: version ok params ok
244,2937 [history] successfully loaded module colorbalancergb from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 5: version ok params ok
244,2937 [history] successfully loaded module colorin from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 7: version ok params ok
244,2938 [history] successfully loaded module demosaic from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 4: version ok params ok
244,2938 [history] successfully loaded module denoiseprofile from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 11: version ok params ok
244,2939 [history] successfully loaded module dither from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 1: version ok params ok
244,2939 [history] successfully loaded module filmicrgb from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 6: version ok params ok
244,2939 [history] successfully loaded module lens from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 7: version ok params ok
244,2940 [history] successfully loaded module lowpass from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 4: version ok params ok
244,2940 [history] successfully loaded module sigmoid from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 1: version ok params ok
244,2940 [history] successfully loaded module tonecurve from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 5: version ok params ok
244,2940 [history] successfully loaded module toneequal from history
blendop v. 12: version ok params ok
params v. 2: version ok params ok
244,8141 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for filmicrgb
244,8739 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for basecurve
245,0378 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for colormapping
245,2330 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for channelmixerrgb
245,2391 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for colorin
245,2730 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for crop
245,3322 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for exposure
245,3536 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for retouch
245,4043 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for clipping
245,4090 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for flip
245,4166 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for ashift
245,4469 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for cacorrectrgb
245,4559 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for lens
245,4576 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for scalepixels
245,4589 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rotatepixels
245,5014 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for denoiseprofile
245,5082 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for demosaic
245,5210 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rawdenoise
245,5312 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for hotpixels
245,5425 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for cacorrect
245,5526 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for highlights
245,5603 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for temperature
245,5666 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for invert
245,5709 [dt_iop_reload_defaults] defaults reloaded for rawprepare
250,2985 [pixelpipe] [full] pipeline state changing, flag 13
250,2988 [pixelpipe] [full] synch top history module `toneequal'
250,3171 [committed params] [full] tone equalizer piece hash 0,
250,3172 [pixelpipe] [full] synch all modules with defaults_params
250,4197 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "float", field: aspect
250,4198 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "dt_iop_borders_params_t"
250,4198 [pixelpipe] [full] synch all modules with history
250,4199 [committed params] [full] raw black/white point piece hash 12019985144866176049,
250,4710 [committed params] [full] output color profile piece hash 10257528088492143908,
250,4711 [committed params] [full] display encoding piece hash 7567884774754821,
250,4712 [committed params] [full] white balance piece hash 13437842030512247703,
250,4712 [committed params] [full] highlight reconstruction piece hash 573611052330575869,
250,4712 [committed params] [full] orientation piece hash 0,
250,4713 [committed params] [full] color calibration piece hash 0,
250,4714 [committed params] [full] color balance rgb piece hash 0,
250,4714 [committed params] [full] input color profile piece hash 3576302217398612357,
250,4714 [committed params] [full] demosaic piece hash 15308153100009475693,
250,4721 [committed params] [full] denoise (profiled) piece hash 8705001115068397489,
250,4722 [committed params] [full] dither or posterize piece hash 14691463558551207900,
250,4722 [committed params] [full] filmic rgb piece hash 0,
250,4723 [committed params] [full] lens correction piece hash 9565603254015244713,
250,4738 [committed params] [full] lowpass piece hash 0,
250,4739 [committed params] [full] sigmoid piece hash 0,
250,4767 [committed params] [full] tone curve piece hash 0,
250,4944 [committed params] [full] tone equalizer piece hash 0,
250,4945 [pixelpipe_cache_checkmem] [full] 64 lines (important=0, used=0). Cache: freed=0MB (bad=0 low=0 high=0). Now using 0MB, limit=511MB
250,4945 [pixelpipe starting on CPU] [full] ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
250,4950 [modify roi IN] [full] demosaic ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
250,4950 [modify roi IN] [full] highlight reconstruction ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000
250,4951 [modify roi IN] [full] raw black/white point ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000
250,4951 [pixelpipe data: full] [full] ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000
250,4952 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] raw black/white point ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000
250,5178 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] white balance ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000
250,5388 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] highlight reconstruction ( 0/ 0) 7032x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000
250,5718 [opposed chroma cache CPU] red: 0,000000 (0), green: 0,000000 (0), blue: 0,000000 (0) for hash 5461876925626326071
250,6263 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] demosaic ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
251,1870 [clip_and_zoom_roi] [full] demosaic ( 0/ 0) 7040x4688 scale=1,0000 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
251,6468 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] denoise (profiled) ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
252,1006 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] lens correction ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
252,2621 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] input color profile ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
252,2623 [matrix conversion on CPU] [full] input color profile ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 `linear Rec2020 RGB'
252,2684 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] output color profile ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
252,2764 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] dither or posterize ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
252,3209 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] display encoding ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
252,3298 [cache report] [full] 64 lines (important=2, used=10). Used 568MB, limit=511MB. hits/run=0,00, hits/test=0,000
252,3298 [pixelpipe finished] [full] ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
252,4170 [pixelpipe] [preview] pipeline state changing, flag 13
252,4172 [pixelpipe] [preview] synch top history module `toneequal'
252,4407 [pixelpipe] [preview] synch all modules with defaults_params
252,5269 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "float", field: aspect
252,5269 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "dt_iop_borders_params_t"
252,5270 [pixelpipe] [preview] synch all modules with history
254,5798 [pixelpipe] [preview] pipeline state changing, flag 4
254,5798 [pixelpipe] [preview] synch all modules with defaults_params
254,6634 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "float", field: aspect
254,6635 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "dt_iop_borders_params_t"
254,6636 [pixelpipe] [preview] synch all modules with history
254,7319 [pixelpipe] [full] pipeline state changing, flag 4
254,7320 [pixelpipe] [full] synch all modules with defaults_params
254,8642 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "float", field: aspect
254,8643 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "dt_iop_borders_params_t"
254,8643 [pixelpipe] [full] synch all modules with history
254,8643 [committed params] [full] raw black/white point piece hash 12019985144866176049,
254,9073 [committed params] [full] output color profile piece hash 10257528088492143908,
254,9075 [committed params] [full] display encoding piece hash 7567884774754821,
254,9075 [committed params] [full] white balance piece hash 13437842030512247703,
254,9075 [committed params] [full] highlight reconstruction piece hash 573611052330575869,
254,9076 [committed params] [full] orientation piece hash 0,
254,9076 [committed params] [full] color calibration piece hash 0,
254,9077 [committed params] [full] color balance rgb piece hash 0,
254,9078 [committed params] [full] input color profile piece hash 3576302217398612357,
254,9078 [committed params] [full] demosaic piece hash 15308153100009475693,
254,9085 [committed params] [full] denoise (profiled) piece hash 8705001115068397489,
254,9086 [committed params] [full] dither or posterize piece hash 14691463558551207900,
254,9086 [committed params] [full] filmic rgb piece hash 0,
254,9087 [committed params] [full] lens correction piece hash 9565603254015244713,
254,9099 [committed params] [full] lowpass piece hash 0,
254,9100 [committed params] [full] sigmoid piece hash 0,
254,9131 [committed params] [full] tone curve piece hash 0,
254,9319 [committed params] [full] tone equalizer piece hash 0,
254,9321 [committed params] [full] astrophoto denoise piece hash 15691798441566557050,
254,9453 [pixelpipe_cache_checkmem] [full] 64 lines (important=2, used=9). Cache: freed=126MB (bad=0 low=1 high=0). Now using 443MB, limit=511MB
254,9454 [pixelpipe starting on CPU] [full] ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
254,9454 [cache HIT] [full] input color profile hash 10710993975730690910, basic 8618788630104195174
254,9455 [pixelpipe data: from cache] [full] input color profile ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
254,9456 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] astrophoto denoise ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
255,0509 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] output color profile ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
255,0599 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] dither or posterize ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
255,1152 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] display encoding ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
255,1230 [cache report] [full] 64 lines (important=4, used=13). Used 552MB, limit=511MB. hits/run=0,50, hits/test=0,062
255,1232 [pixelpipe finished] [full] ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
256,7952 [pixelpipe] [full] pipeline state changing, flag 4
256,7953 [pixelpipe] [full] synch all modules with defaults_params
256,8767 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "float", field: aspect
256,8768 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "dt_iop_borders_params_t"
256,8768 [pixelpipe] [full] synch all modules with history
256,8769 [committed params] [full] raw black/white point piece hash 12019985144866176049,
256,9208 [committed params] [full] output color profile piece hash 10257528088492143908,
256,9209 [committed params] [full] display encoding piece hash 7567884774754821,
256,9210 [committed params] [full] white balance piece hash 13437842030512247703,
256,9210 [committed params] [full] highlight reconstruction piece hash 573611052330575869,
256,9211 [committed params] [full] orientation piece hash 0,
256,9211 [committed params] [full] color calibration piece hash 0,
256,9212 [committed params] [full] color balance rgb piece hash 0,
256,9213 [committed params] [full] input color profile piece hash 3576302217398612357,
256,9213 [committed params] [full] demosaic piece hash 15308153100009475693,
256,9220 [committed params] [full] denoise (profiled) piece hash 8705001115068397489,
256,9221 [committed params] [full] dither or posterize piece hash 14691463558551207900,
256,9221 [committed params] [full] filmic rgb piece hash 0,
256,9222 [committed params] [full] lens correction piece hash 9565603254015244713,
256,9240 [committed params] [full] lowpass piece hash 0,
256,9242 [committed params] [full] sigmoid piece hash 0,
256,9278 [committed params] [full] tone curve piece hash 0,
256,9433 [committed params] [full] tone equalizer piece hash 0,
256,9434 [committed params] [full] astrophoto denoise piece hash 9568191723970180613,
256,9434 [committed params] [full] astrophoto denoise piece hash 9568191723970180613,
256,9435 [pixelpipe] [preview] pipeline state changing, flag 4
256,9435 [pixelpipe] [preview] synch all modules with defaults_params
256,9544 [pixelpipe_cache_checkmem] [full] 64 lines (important=4, used=12). Cache: freed=126MB (bad=0 low=1 high=0). Now using 426MB, limit=511MB
256,9545 [pixelpipe starting on CPU] [full] ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
256,9545 [cache HIT] [full] input color profile hash 10710993975730690910, basic 8618788630104195174
256,9546 [pixelpipe data: from cache] [full] input color profile ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
256,9547 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] astrophoto denoise ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
257,0720 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] output color profile ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
257,0821 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] dither or posterize ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
257,1090 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "float", field: aspect
257,1090 [iop_validate_params] `borders' failed for type "dt_iop_borders_params_t"
257,1091 [pixelpipe] [preview] synch all modules with history
257,1279 [pixelpipe_process_on_CPU] [full] display encoding ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
257,1367 [cache report] [full] 64 lines (important=5, used=16). Used 535MB, limit=511MB. hits/run=0,67, hits/test=0,095
257,1368 [pixelpipe finished] [full] ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329 --> ( 0/ 0) 1638x1092 scale=0,2329
257,7042 [pixelpipe] [preview] pipeline state changing, flag 1
257,7043 [pixelpipe] [preview] synch top history module `nlmeans'
257,7043 [pixelpipe] [full] pipeline state changing, flag 1
257,7044 [pixelpipe] [full] synch top history module `nlmeans'
257,7044 [committed params] [full] astrophoto denoise piece hash 13111506857054278751,
### Commit
_No response_
### Where did you install darktable from?
an online forum
### darktable version
### What OS are you using?
### What is the version of your OS?
Windows 10 Update 22H2
### Describe your system?
32 GB Ram
AMD Ryzen 5 2400G
Geforce GTX 1660
### Are you using OpenCL GPU in darktable?
### If yes, what is the GPU card and driver?
_No response_
### Please provide additional context if applicable. You can attach files too, but might need to rename to .txt or .zip
here is a corresponding pixls.us thread: