How did YOU handle the abstinence?

Hi, all!

How did you handle the 503-down-period?
I sure did have abstinence problems.
I even started to re-re-re-read darktable manuals,
in order to try to find some new, hitherto unknown gems.

And, you know what? I did find some :slight_smile: Among other things,
a developing workflow that suits me very well.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden




DPReview forums and cameraderie, mostly.


Everything is fine. Absolutely no symptoms.

Oh, whatever…


Sitting at the PC and smashing F5 :skull_and_crossbones:


Liar! the manuals were down too!:stuck_out_tongue:

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Not on github they weren’t :stuck_out_tongue:


I checked the page several times a day. Browser caching gave me a false hope one day (the forum seemed to be up), but others have also fallen for that one.
I’ve visited the reddit Darktable forum, too.
The worst symptom: I considered necro-posting on a DPR thread where charlyw64 had commented. So it was baaaad. :crazy_face:


Sorry, @darix, my link skills sound better than yours: darktable 4.4 user manual - darktable

@elstoc Correct you are.

I almost took some photos. Almost. :wink:


Too hot here to go outside.


Too wet, here, to go anywhere — as always.

  • Daily staring down the cached site as if it was the last thing I would ever see

  • Checking Twitter (ahem, “X”) for progress reports (via a “viewer” because I don’t have an account)

  • Preoccupied with the antics of the local squirrels and raccoons

    • One of them took an ant poison canister and  put it at the tip of the evergreen  in the backyard like a star or angel on a Christmas tree!

PS - the evergreen is more than two stories tall.

Me: Mom, do you see that on the tree? Looks metallic.
Mom: Yes, it looks like one of the ant traps you placed near the AC.
Me: :open_mouth:


For an addict like me, it was quite hard to handle. I checked the site over and over again every day. I even tried to spend my time on photography, but it did not really help :innocent:.


Checking Pixls’ pulse in the morning, going to work, checking pulse at lunch, getting back to work, checking pulse while coming home, random family stuff, checking pulse in the evening, learning G’MIC and building pipelines that go nowhere, gathering ideas in my head while crashing the laptop, turning working pipelines into filters that crash the laptop, sending random pull request to @David_Tschumperle, checking pulse before going to bed :sweat_smile:

At some point I just went on IRC and found @patdavid who told me about the situation. Also changed the look of my Plasma desktop (It seems I’m into pixel (pixls??) art these days).


@prawnsushi Thing is, having a bad memory, I forgot where to find @patdavid et al. on IRC. Normally search for the forums for the weblink. :no_mouth:

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@afre I just used the link on the G’MIC website (community tab).
It was my first time on IRC, too. Didn’t know what to expect so I didn’t even change the default random name :sweat_smile:


Yes, it was kind of like Rogers Hornsby: “People ask me what i do in the winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.”

I finally got around to activate my Matrix account to get into the PIXLS.US chat - and then the instance changed the hardware and messed something up with the transfer of the file system…

I played a bit with fediverse stuff and procrastinated on my tax return. Read camera manuals and hit F5.

Interesting, what did you find? There is so much new stuff…

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