how do i fix krita

thats what happens

Turn off adblock and any other extension that blocks things.

its still happening

Screenshot 2022-01-15 4.10.02 PM

The absolute lack of detail makes it hard to help, sorry.

can you mention one of the devs or leaders to get rid of my krita acc so i can sign in again on my email

What happens if you try to reset your password?

I don’t think they’ll just reset your account…


that was my username


nothing changes when i do that

Screenshot 2022-01-15 4.44.27 PM

what dose that mean???

just did that in fact i just made brand new email

I’m not sure what you are trying to do. Krita is a program that you need to install in a computer running windows, Mac or Linux. There is a version that you can download via the Google app store and it might work on your Chromebook. I think it is still beta testing.

Is the chromebook you are using one provided/administered thru your school? If yes, what restrictions does it have?

did u see the vid in

and yes its school it is not restricted on my chromebook
but i should be able to sign in on my brand new email…

You are using an email address that ends in .org

That is not normal. I am guessing that’s why the website is telling you is not a valid email in red letters.

What email did you use before? Can you use an email that is not from your school (capousd)? Like a free Google email account ?

i will but look at the vid