How do I write text in small capitals in GIMP?

I can’t enter text in small capitals in Gimp, even when pasting it formatted from Word (which allows small capitals by checking the option in the font effects).
Is there a solution in Gimp?

what is the difference to “type capitals and then scale down the fontsize?”?


If you set a text to small capitals, small characters are formatted to small capitals and large characters are formatted to somewhat bigger capitals. You could to this manual in GIMP, but this is rather time-consuming. As far as I know there is no option to directly set a text to small capitals in GIMP.
A solution would be to design an own font, that uses small capitals.

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Considerable, if one is fussy about type!

A larger point size is the same letter enlarged*. That means the stroke weight is heavier, and it will look bolder than the small caps. A true Small-Caps font is designed as such, with the u/c caps of the same weight as the l/c caps. It isn’t really a font effect: it is a different font.

*Someone who is really fussy about type would say that even this is not true. I’m guessing that in most typesetting other than actual metal, it is. Back in the day, letter design was refined to make larger and smaller sizes look right. I’m not that fussy, but I respect the skills of those who are.


I don’t recall Century having a small caps variant. There are, however, Century-like types that do.

Edit: Speaking of small caps, does GIMP have variant support if the small caps font is available? I do not remember if it does. (I recall Inkscape does.)

Someone who is really fussy about type would say that even this is not true. I’m guessing that in most typesetting other than actual metal, it is

I believe this is is still true, at least for small sizes, Noto Sans Italic at size 24 (red) upscaled to match size 235:


In fact this is what the “Hinting” option in the Text tool is about, if produced with Hinting: None (was Hinting: Medium in the example above) the upscaled size 24 text is nearly identical to the size 235:


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Century was simply an example. It has small capitals, but you can’t find them in Gimp, and the same goes for the other Century-like types.

Thanks for your help, I’ll manage manually by changing the font size.
All the best!

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Thanks. Have only heard of it. Now I have a clue :slight_smile:

I’m generally doing just photos these days, but next time I do something with text involved, I’ll bear that in mind.

Can you confirm that they are true small caps? To my knowledge, MS Word can small caps anything, but that does not mean the font exists (it is simulated).

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Oh, I didn’t know it. So I can’t confirm… sorry

Plenty of fonts with “true” small capitals:

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