How do you open the embedded jpg in a raw file in dt?

Various videos on using dt show comparisons between the work being done on a raw and the embedded jpg, also opened in dt. How is that done?

Are you sure it was the embedded JPEG and not the out of box JPEG taken as a snapshot?

There is a lua script, examples/multi_os, that will extract the embedded jpg, add it to the folder, import it, and group it with the raw.


I use exiftool for JPEG extraction under linux:

exiftool -b -previewImage xyz123.CR2 > xyz123.jpg

exiftool -b -previewImage xyz123.ARW > xyz123.jpg

In case of Canon files I get full resolution images with high compression, for Sony files smaller previews.


I will check, but I thought Boris said it was the embedded jpg.

I have no experience with lua scripts.

I am running Windows, but I think exiftool can be run on it.

I open raws in IrfanView, and I have been assuming that what I see is the embed, but dunno for sure.

I think you can duplicate the pic, discard history and now (depending on your settings) you have the JPG available for comparison in the lighttable.

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I am interested in this for when I download a raw from a Play Raw. What opens in IrfanView appears to be a fully developed jpg. So I assume that is an embed.

Using IrfanView, I have saved the image as a jpg. I have also exported it from XnView MP as a jpg. Comparing the two jpgs, they look identical, so it does not appear to be images developed by the programs–it would seem unlikely that they developed them exactly the same–so I think it must be the embed.

I think that just gets you the minimally developed raw.

It depends if the RAW has a full res embedded JPEG or not - for example, my Nikon D7100 files show the embedded JPEG in lighttable (before being processed) both in thumbnails and full screen… whereas Sony files show the JPEG as thumbnails up to about 2-per-screen size, but bigger and full screen it displays a minimally processed RAW.

Hi Bill were can I get this lua script. It sounds useful.

It’s part of the lua-scripts. If you are using script_manager, just change the category from contrib to examples and it should show up there. It depends on the ufraw-batch executable.

FastStone Viewer can be set to extract the embedded JPEG, if using a separate app to dt is acceptable.

That’s actually how the script I talked about does it. It uses ufraw-batch, but could be modified to use another extraction engine.

Does it actually extract it… i used to use it as a viewer and it had settings for sharpening and the like. I had to go in and disable all that so that my previews were displayed unaltered… maybe I missed something…

Not sure what is meant by “minimally developed” but at least for Sigma X3F files the difference in opening time for raw vs. embedded for apps that can do both is clear enough.

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Duplicating the raw using Ctrl+D, if that what is meant by duplicating the pic, discarding history and opening it produces a raw with this history:


and it looks like this (from Ferns in the backyard - a study in contrast):

The jpg I save from XnView MP after using it to open the raw looks like this:

It’s the second jpg that I am thinking is the embed.

If I have to use a lua script to produce that embed with dt, I would have a lot of work to do to learn how to do that.

Then you may not like this either …

I suspected that Image Magick could do it so I tried it on an RW2 raw file:
magick -size 4000x3000 -depth 8 -extract 640x480 P1000554.RW2 target-extract.jpg


I’m not good at ImageMagick with it’s kajillion options so I’m sure that the obvious color-cast can be avoided and that probably not all of that example script is absolutely necessary …

… on the other hand, one could put the captured raws in one directory/folder and batch extract the lot in one go.

It only works in LT view…if you do it in DR view you get the raw with baseline settings… If you discard in LT view you get the DT preview back with embedded jpg if that is the selection in your preferences… if you want to compare in DR view you are going to need to extract them so you can use snapshots…

You are on windows so just use ERawP or Raw Preview extractor…they are dead easy…

Thanks, Todd. I will try them out.

Edit: Yes, it is easy to use!