How get EXR-metadata?

How to get EXR-metadata? Unsuccessfully tried to find a function like this app.Read1.getMetadata(‘rs/camera/aperture’). Or is there really no such function and you need to use third-party libraries like OpenEXR?

Hi metadata means render pass?
If so , you can find it>

  • double click the read node
  • output layer > drop down has all the render pass

More effective way (nuke style)

  • plug a shuffle node after the exr read node
  • in R channel select the pass
  • if set GBA is checked it will set the rest channels automatically

There is also a pyplug to do it automatically:

No, metadata is data that can be viewed by clicking on the “File Info…” button in the Read-node.

I can see that in 2.4.2
OS : linux mint

Good, but my question is how to get this data using Python.

You can only access layers/channels from a read node, no meta data.

Ow then IDK. probably need to go through ffprobe in this case. Natron built in ffmpeg library should be enough.

After doing some search the meta is coming from exrheaders, an openexr lib

Yes, thank you. I’m already planning to test this library ))

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