How long before update shows in Ubuntu repository?

I take it you did a sudo apt update to see if it is there.

I have the unstable version installed and 5.6 was there.

Yes, that I did. However you mentioned that you are seeing it as an unstable release. I was thinking that since it was released to the public it would have been as stable. Maybe it will just take a few days to make the switch from unstable to stable release.

Thanks for the info. I may download it and give it a go. I try to keep the drive fairly clean so installing multiple copies of software is something I generally avoid. But since it should be easy to remove the Appimage if they do push the update to the repository it should be easy to remove. If nothing more it will be a learning experience.

Welcome, @Jeff_VE6DV!

Claes in Lund, Sweden
a.k.a. SM7KU

Sorry if i wasn’t clear,
on RawTherappees download page, the are are two downloads, stable or unstable, I have always had the unstable one installed.
Someone will be along to tell you if the updated stable 5.6 one is in the repos.

BTW a warm welcome.

The appimage is a particularly good way to stay ahead of the operating system for a specific application. New versions of an application sometimes require later versions of supporting libraries. So, you can download an appimage, use it, and delete it and it won’t have disturbed the good order of the OS.

Hi, Claes. Great to see another operator here on the forums.

Thanks for the help and a welcome to the forums. Got up this morning to find that the update was available in the repo so I am now updated to the newest version. It appears that the update takes about 24 hours before it shows up. But it is good to know that I can install an AppImage and be good to go in a matter of minutes.

I appreciate the help.


Well, I may be wrong. It shows that it installed 5.6 from the repository. When I go into the program it still shows version 5.5. If I look at the repository version it shows 5.6.2 and gives me the option to launch the program. When I click on launch it launches 5.5. I am tempted to remove the program and then reinstall to see if that fixes it. But I thought I would ask here if anyone had any other suggestions.

Yeah, mine shows 5.5 in about.
I wouldn’t worry.
In preferences, do you have Pseudo HiDPI mode under general.
If so all is well.

Yes, that I do. Sounds like I am good to go then. Thanks, Keith.

Although I think using an appimage is a better idea, if you need the new version installed prior to Ubuntu 19.10, you would have to add a ppa source to your repository.

The one you would need is from Dariusz Duma, but as always is unsupported and you have to use it at your own risk (it may update several system libraries)

At your terminal, type:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway
sudo apt-get update

It should tell you then that there is a new version of RT.

It’s already installed and working fine in my Mint 19.1 (Ubuntu 18.04), although you may see this odd info in the About window:

It is v.5.6, indeed! No matter how many times it says it is 5.5

P.S.: I’ve been using that repo for years without problems, but that’s not a guarantee!

RawTherapee 5.6’s splash image and version details should look as follows:

If you see anything else, that is a packaging error.

Ping @Dariusz_Duma @MarcinBajor

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Pinging @Dariusz_Duma @MarcinBajor

Splash screen showing wrong, hopefully you can see the version in synaptic screenshot.

You will have to uninstall rawtherapee-unstable and install rawtherapee (v.5.6-2dhor~bionic)

I can confirm that. Installed today form same ppa and:

But surely rawtherapee (v.5.6-2dhor~bionic) is the stable version. Or is it ?
I’ve always had the unstable version with no problems whatsoever.

Well, that is the one I have installed. Up until now it’s working fine, and it has the Favorites tab, so I guess it should be the 5.6 version.

You could keep your unstable version, knowing that it will always be the very latest version, as explained in Rawpedia. If you’re fine knowing you will always be facing some unfixed bugs, you shouldn’t change to the stable version.

And if you want to be absolutely sure that you have the latest stable version, get the proper appimage.

Thanks for your reply.
I might try the stable version, been using the unstable for years. (which is pretty stable).
I was distro hopping a few weeks ago and in Manjaro and MX linux I tried the appimage and was impressed how easy it was to use.
Too many options. :grinning:

Regarding mentioned PPA. Rawtherapee-unstable is an automatic build of GIT dev branch. Rawtherapee supposed to be stable build based on official released sources for stable version. As you can see there are some misconceptions between splash screen and about window. Some quirks are results of automatization created to determine RT version - and it doesn’t go well together with deb package creation process. 5.6 source archive lacks ReleaseInfo.cmake - thus compiler tries to figure out numbers on its own.

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