How to add Audio

@cgvirus: thanks for the audio tutorial.
This finally is the reason to find my back back to Natron!

(BTW. just made a render comparison from Natron to BMD Fusion9 exporting a simple animation with 300 frames. Result: Natron=8sec. Fusion=1min, 12sec…)

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Thanks a lot man! have made a demo here:


Been pondering a bit about JACK lately … Sync Natron playback to JACK transport · Issue #227 · NatronGitHub/Natron · GitHub

Maybe we should go that route instead (regarding playback)?

I only have experience with JACK on Linux, does it work as it should on Win/Mac? How many DAWs support JACK outside Linux? Can JACK use ASIO on Win?

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I’m also a Linux user so can’t comment on Windows or Mac. The Jack website has quite a list of software that supports Jack. From a quick glance of those I see the following are cross platform: mhwaveedit, Audacity, Mixxx, Blender, Fluxus, ProjectM, Giada, Ardour, Renoise, Bitwig Studio, SooperLooper, LMMS. There’s probably a few more but I didn’t click every link

The FAQ also suggests Jack runs on Windows As for using ASIO, I don’t know what that is :stuck_out_tongue: but reading the FAQ:

It connects (OUTPUT) to those audio drivers using the PortAudio project (so Jack can connect using dsound, wmme, WDMKS, ASIO, WASAPI, and WaveRT) depending on what the soundcard’s drivers support.

Thanks for the info, I couldn’t find a DAW that supports JACK on all platforms, but I don’t have much experience outside REAPER (and other commercial DAWs).

I don’t want to start implementing JACK and down the road we find out that platform X is not supported or does not have any JACK-ed applications available.

Anyway, will read some docs etc, just wanted to know if anyone in the community had any “hands-on” experience with JACK on Win/Mac.

Currently Jack for Windows only supports 32-bit applications, but a new version is currently being tested that supports both 32-bit and 64-bit audio applications.

If this info is correct then the project is a no-go from the start.

I think that info is quite outdated. If this page is anything to be believed then 64-bit Windows Jack was being tested back in 2011 64bit JACK for windows: TESTERS NEEDED. | NI Community Forum

There’s a download for 64-bit Jack on their download page Downloads | JACK Audio Connection Kit

I’ll hopefully be in front of a Windows machine in the next couple of weeks so can test a couple of DAWs (Reaper and Ardour perhaps).

Ok, probably outdated then. I will tested myself as well, I think REAPER only support ASIO on Windows (REAPER+JACK works perfectly on Linux), If I read the docs correctly this does not matter as JACK supports ASIO, so any ASIO app should be able to connect to JACK.

The goal should be to just make a basic app that can control a DAW/player through JACK on all platforms, then start getting this integrated into Natron.

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After discussing audio sync on the facebook group I decided to hack a very basic JACK transport into Natron just for fun, it kind of works… The biggest issue is the latency from play in Natron to play in Reaper, I doubt it can be used as a perfect audio reference. I have also considered MIDI (MTC etc) to avoid the JACK overhead, but I’m not sure it’s worth my time going that route.


MIDI is the way to go!

Probably, will look more into this a the end of the week (mostly busy this week).


Out of interest why MIDI instead of Jack?

Did JACK transport ever get implemented?

Only on my laptop… I’m not satisfied with JACK, first I get a weird delay no matter what, and the solution (JACK) must be usable on all platforms supported by Natron.

I would like to try a pure MIDI solution instead (we should support MIDI anyway for “control panels”). Sadly I have been very busy this month, so progress is slow.

Are you using a real-time kernel with JACK? That might be your problem.

I’m using a regular kernel and have no issues with JACK using MIDI or regular recording, seems to be related to the JACK transport functions, the DAW’s (or any “client”) all have a delay when I trigger play/stop etc, JACK itself register my changes instantly.

It seemed to be a really wonderful solution, unfortunatelly in Blender 2.8 it doesn’t work anymore. :pensive:

Has anything happened with audio support since this thread?
Is it possible to render movs/mp4s with audio in any way?
I don’t need it in the UI, just when I use NatronRenderer, effectively copying a wav file into whatever mov/mp4 Natron renders.

No, audio is not on the roadmap.

You can make a Python script that does this for you in Natron, or mux the audio after render with ffmpeg.

Yup, found that solution last night, thanks!