How to build Natron on Windows 10?

First, I followed Natron/tools/MINGW-packages/ at RB-2.5 · NatronGitHub/Natron · GitHub, didn’t work out for me.

But then I noticed that the default branch isn’t master, switched to it and… noticed that that doc is 2 years older than on the 2.5 branch.

And so I’m wondering - if I want to build the latest version, which version of the doc should work?


The docs for building/developing on Windows is currently outdated.

The branches to follow are RB-2.5 and RB-2.6. As the names suggest RB-2.5 is latest 2.5.x and RB-2.6 will at some point be 2.6.0.

I can provide information regarding building the RB-2.6 branch on Windows, but at the moment I don’t have time, maybe at the end of the weekend or (probably) next week.

If you just want to try/test the latest build of RB-2.6 I suggest you download a snapshot from Aaron: Workflow runs · acolwell/Natron · GitHub (each build should contain build artifacts, aka Windows binaries. Note that you must be logged in to download).

I see, thanks for the fast response. What I’m interested in is OpenCL or CUDA support for OFX plugins. Does 2.6 have that?
(Was going to try whether I’m able to add it myself if it doesn’t but given what you just said, that might of course not be feasible.)

Natron does not have any direct support for OpenCL or CUDA.

Support for OpenCL could be interesting, I think we discussed it several years ago, I believe it ended in lack of interest (same with CUDA, if we every discussed it at all).