How to confirm faces on many items at once?

After reading a nice article in French about Digikam, I wanted to give it a try. I am especially interested in the face recognition feature, since I have tens of thousands of pictures I would need to tag with the right people in it. I downloaded the AppImage for v7.3.0, and followed the process to

  • import my photo collection,
  • launch the “Detect faces” process,
  • tag a few of them,
  • launch the “Recognize faces” process.

I am now in the “Confirm faces” process, but I have thousands of faces to manually validate or remove. I was hoping I could simply remove the faces that have been recognized but are the wrong person, then basically tell DigiKam “OK, all the remaining faces for that tag are the right person, go ahead and tag them”… but I cannot find this option! I was thinking of selecting all of them, then using the Assign Tag > MyTag menu, but the documentation warns me that

If you use the context menu item Assign Tag instead of the procedure described above that will not assign a face tag. It will assign an ordinary tag and it will assign it to the whole image.

Is there an option to do some kind of batch “Recognize face”? If not, I’m in to click the “Confirm” button tens of thousands of times… :frowning:

OK, I mistakenly found the answer to my question:

  • Select all the pictures you want to confirm
  • Click on the “Confirm” button on any of them

→ the software will batch tag them as the tag you selected! A bit confusing (I think a right click menu option would be more clear), but it works!

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