How to create a precise curve?

Hello folks,

Is there a way in GIMP to enter manually the input and output values of a color curve like in Photoshop.
I’m really missing this:

It’s driving me a bit nuts :slight_smile:

I have to build a curve to calibrate the paper i will use to print some cyanotypes from digital negative and i would have love to make it simple but if it’s not possible i’ll go back to photoshop, or try to master the mouse to edit the points manually :slight_smile:



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You can make the curve window as large as you want to assist with mouse precision.

Or you can manually or automatically edit the text file of the curve presets: ~.gimp-2.8\tool-options\gimp-curves-tool.settings

Thanks a lot for the tricks!

@jpbako now file a feature request for that in the correct place: