How to deselected stars from the Star Resynthesis ?

Hello :slight_smile:

Someone know why even if i have deselected these two stars from Dynamic PSF they are anyway considered in the Star Resynthesis ?

i can’t understand how to avoid that two stars had to be considered in the Star Resynthesis

Hello and welcome,
if you have detected the stars previously it should not use those you removed. Are you using the latest version 1.2.6?

Hello :slight_smile:
sorry is been long time since when i have open the discussion but just today i’m been able to do a video about what i do and the result that i have:

yes i’m using 1.2.6 version

let me know if i have did something wrong.


indeed, you shouldn’t delete the star list before doing the resynthesis (what you are doing at 00:45).
If you have stars detected already, resynthesis will use them. If the list is cleared, I will do an automatic detection (so what you had before removing 2 sources manually).

