How to export exact size

DT 3.0.2

I have a photo that I need to export 850 pixels tall. I have the following settings:


The problem is that DT creates a file that is only 849 pixel tall.

Right now, I have to export 900 pixel tall, then I use imagemagick/mogrify to resize with:

mogrify -resize x850! infile outfile (exclamation mark)

and I get my exact 850 tall.

How can I get my 850 pixel tall image in DT?


Just a thought…did you try 851?

Not that I’m saying that getting 849 when asking for 850 seems right, but it would seem to be the natural workaround.

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Do other photos set to the same export settings all come out to 849?

I just checked and get the same results. A 6000 x 3000 pixel image exported to comes out to 2999 x 1499 if scaled to 3000 on long side. Gord’s suggestion seems to work.

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This bug has been registered and is fixed in Github (Version 3.0.0, lighttable 'max size' image export off by 1 pixel · Issue #4412 · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub).

A first fix has been merged on 3.0.1 but some cases were seen after. And a better fix as been merged just 13 days ago. Unfortunately, it’s by now should be integrated on next 3.2. See here: More reliable export size in dt_imageio_export_with_flags by jenshannoschwalm · Pull Request #5022 · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub

No, I didn’t think about it,. But I just tried it and it worked.


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