How to increase line width when making the image size smaller ?


I often need to insert the signature into various documents. The size of the images varies and I have to first decrease the signature size so that it fits nicely into the relevant space. But the lines naturally become smaller whereas in real life no matter how big or small is your signature, the width of the lines remains the same/depends on the actual pen. Is there a way to automatically increase.decrease the line width in a image ?


I may have a suggestion that could work for you. I presume you have saved your signature as a individual image that you place of the image as a separate layer. If this is the case then my suggestion may work.

Use the select by color tool to select you signature. Then in the edit options you can select stroke selection. this will then allow you to stroke the selection to a different pixel thickness or even color. While it is not an automatic adjustment it may help.

I suspect you need to have a selection of signatures that will be suitable for the various sizes of images you produce. Maybe, forget my suggestion above and just draw and scan or create various signatures to suit your various output sizes.

Good luck

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Thanks. It sounds enough automatic for me. I need to learn this function as quick trial produces random color lines around the signature. May be it will work.

I stress that the signature lines are not solid but is a combination of dark pixels in the center and ligher pixels at the edges - both types are relatively random/have different level of brightness.

The previous post might be sufficient for your use. If the graphic signature is on a light background then Filters → Generic → Erode will add to the line width. Unfortunately that does not work with a transparent BG and you might need to use a selection to separate from the rest of a document.

Another way is, think back to Gimp 2.6 where brushes came in different sizes. Scale-able brushes came in with Gimp 2.8

Make a set of greyscale signature images, different sizes and export to Gimp .gbr brush files.

Then it might go like this 40 second video:
First half is scaling a brush, much the same as scaling an imported signature image the line width fades. Second half is a comparison with three brushes - large - medium - small.

edit: that is a Gimp 2.10.34 - I just like a simple UI

Morphological Dilation / Erosion is probably the things you are looking for.
I suppose GIMP has filters to apply this kind of processing operation.

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Yes, Filters > Generic > Erode, and Filters > Generic > Dilate

Well … if you ever read previous posts, ( sorry but I do get annoyed about this, here and on about every other forum ) I did mention.

If the graphic signature is on a light background then Filters → Generic → Erode will add to the line width. Unfortunately that does not work with a transparent BG and you might need to use a selection to separate from the rest of a document.

All depends on how OP is pasting in the signature - a new layer or anchored into the document. Guessing it is anchored.

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No selection needed
Filters > Distorts > Value Propagate… “More Opaque mode” will do the job :wink: