How to restore 60 YO Ektachrome images

Yes, that all makes sense to me. I think the catch (for me) with RT is that (unlike DT) adjusting the parameter in that module/tool doesn’t automatically enable it. And after all, I guess you could say why should it…

Yep, that’s how it works in RT, too. The parameters are all behind a master switch for the tool. Makes it easier to see the effect. But like @123sg I’ve also slammed sliders around for a bit thinking, “Well dang, I don’t see any difference” until I remembered to switch it on. :wink: But all in all I’d rather have it that way, just for the very reason you gave. darktable’s only difference is the first tweak automatically throws the switch.

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I thought something looked amiss about that but it took me a minute to figure it out (I must be tired). Two numbers were transposed: 1684-1721



I prefer to not automatically enable the tool when the slider is tweaked. For my denoise tool, I want to adjust the slider before it starts doing things in the toolchain. If I had a better denoise tool… :crazy_face:

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Good discussion. Thanks for the additional posts.

The idea of a “power” button would be useful if you could turn off the correction settings. I turned “on” RGB curves, set Red to Standard, and tweaked the curve to an obvious deviation and then switched the “power” button off. Voila! I can switch the effect off and on!

On second thought - this seems useful. :grinning:

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Quick Darktable effort…

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