How to tell export module where to safe the file on disc?

I’m using dt 5.0.0 (Linux Garuda, official repository) and now I try to export some jpg’s.

I’m able to select target storage = file on disk.

But I can’t find a field where I can put in destination (folder, file name).


Usually I use dt with German language, you can see a mixture of English and German. Don’t know, why - is this related to my issue, maybe?

Thank’s for hints :slight_smile:

Here’s how it should look:
Yours is indeed missing the filename options.

I’ve had that happen to me. It happened,then stopped happening. So I had no need of further investigation. I wrote it off to gremlins.

I am not certain, nut fairly sure, that I was using 4.9.1 at the time. Recently upgraded to 5.0.0: didn’t have to look because I assumed my files were just being saved in the right place and they were.

Have now upgraded to 5.1.0, and yes, the filename field is there.

Sounds strange. Currently I can rely on already existing presets for most common use cases. So I’ll wait and see what future will bring. IT-Gremlins?

I recall someone reporting this too, but I cant find the solution. I think it was the language.

Yes, it’s all about a mix up in language settings, I guess. Went to setup, clicked on German language one more time. Then restart of dt and, voila:


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Hmm there was never a 4.9.1. Do you mean 4.8.1?

This is not a real version either. It’s essentially a placeholder tag that’s used for development. 5.0.0 is the latest version.

Both came from the Master page

Which means they are development versions with a “working title”, and that the code behind that version number is subject to change without notice. As with all development versions, you can also meet unexpected (and temporary) bugs.
If you need a stable version, stick to the ones with public announcements (like 5.0.0 for the latest)

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Right so those aren’t version 5.1.0, they’re version 5.1.0+37, which is 37 commits after the 5.1.0 tag (i.e. there have been 37 commits since we started the dev work for version 5.2.0). As @rvietor says you can use these if you want to have/test the latest features but you’re better off sticking to official releases.

These are “stable” as in “unchanging” rather than as in “are guaranteed to be stable on your system”. I think we’re trying to move away from that word and just use the word “release” instead.

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Donut be afraid to use master - as long as there aren’t database changes there’s always a way back to latest release …

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Thanks: I had not understood the significance of that number.

So far, I have been happy with my experience of the “Master” branch. I do realising that, one day, it just might bring disappointment. I promise I won’t come crying about it :slight_smile: