How to tune jpeg export parameters?

Hello !

I would like to change the default jpeg export extension from .jpg (default) to .JPG (as my camera jpeg extension) and the multiple exports numbering from _01 to (1) so that Photoprism recognize my exports as stackable. I cannot find how to do this, do you know any plugin/option to do this in darktable? Or should I do it manually or by scripting after export?

In the export option I can specify $(FILE.NAME) but it does not return the base name of the file… (I end up with DSCFXXXX.RAF.jpg file).

I would like to have:

  • 'DSCFXXXX.RAF': raw file
  • 'DSCFXXXX.JPG': jpg from camera
  • 'DSCFXXXX (01).JPG': first darktable export
  • 'DSCFXXXX (NN).JPG': NN’th darktable export

At least the extensions are hard-coded. Don’t know about the rest…