How to use Darktable to acheive stylized image effects

Here’s my go at the moody effect. Before:

And after:

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Very true! If your images tell nothing without filter effects, they will not out of a sudden become great by copying and pasting filter settings from elsewhere.

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The lightoom presets that are of interest to me lately are the black and gold ones such as

Since they give you some patches you could likely read them with an LAB color picker and change the patches to absolute in the color lut module and edit the primary patches and the gray ramp just to see how close you could come…

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This can be done very easily with color zones module.

Let’s take the first example:

We need to move red and yellow towards orange and desaturate the rest.

Example photo:

In the saturation tab we choose monotonic spline as interpolation method. Then we desaturate all colors except red, yellow and a small part of green:

In the hue tab we move the three colors to orange. Here we also use monotonic spline:

As a last step we can increase the contrast with the color balance module:

Now you can try to imitate other styles from the collection with this method.