How would you do it differently

Captured this during my hike last week @Merrill Creek Reservoir, Harmony, NJ.

Raw and my edits (DT4.6) are attached. Would love to see how would you all do it differently.

_6I_8267.CR3 (11.7 MB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.


Sure, Noted. I just joined yesterday and am not aware of all the regulations. Will keep that in mind in future.

it is one of our 2 sticky posts shown on top of the forum when you joined.

Once again my bad. I updated the JPG with 1920x1280

Welcome to the forum. This was a fairly simple image to edit. I used the sigmoid module instead of filmic for the tone mapping. I applied shadow and highlights module masked to the sky and the trees in the distance to lift the shadows a bit and to help with the clouds. I am using V4.7 so I used the new color equalizer to bring up the blues to be similar to your original posted JPG.

I didn’t like the bench in the foreground so just for fun I used the retouch module to remove the offending item. I also used the retouch module to get rid of the spot in the sky that may be from a dirty image sensor or a dirty filter on the lens. I had to crop the image as well because your lens hood encroaches on the corners. You might want to consider getting a different hood.

I don’t feel my edit is any better than yours. I hope you enjoy darktable and the forum.

_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (18.6 KB)


That is an excellent image, so I didn’t do much to it at all. dt 4.6.1

_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (7.1 KB)

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_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (17.4 KB)

I didn’t come up with a great edit but given this image as a starting point I thought the real star is the sky. The vantage point sort of messes with the composition of the landscape and the river so I did a pretty large crop…


Thanks I didn’t notice that smudge on the lens but now I see that!

_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (7.0 KB)

PS noticed other replies since I first loaded this to edit, but before actually posting a reply … mine is a fairly pedestrian attempt by comparison. A fun image to play with, however. Thanks!


I have two edits to offer:

_6I_8267_01.CR3.xmp (19,7 KB)

_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (18,8 KB)


A very basic rendering from me. Thanks for sharing!
_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (13.8 KB)


Thanks for the play with this photograph.
GIMP. I too removed the bench. Other than that only slight changes. Increased mid-range contrast to emphasise the structure in the field and the reflections in the water.

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love the brightness, I would saturate it a it though!

This could be style in its own however the grass looks dead giving the feeling of winter while trees are green suggesting summer! :slight_smile:

I like the original edit of @sherebiahtishbi. Difficult to do it differently.

My try.


Thanks. Your edit looks great too especially I liked darkened foreground bushes to make user drawn more toward the serene water & sky!

Very interesting photo, somehow very nostalgic.

I tried to reflect that nostalgic feeling.

Used Saulala. Development string:
Saulala[706, 3.0, 1.64, 1.63, 1.0, 1.0, 0.45, 0.95, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0]


That’s interesting!

_6I_8267.CR3.xmp (15.2 KB)

this one has more extreme colour grading than I normally do