I want a Free Software online color picker

I often want to fiddle with colors for various reasons (design noodling, color grading ideas for moods, etc).

I used to use “Kuler” which became Adobe Color CC.

I think it’d be awesome if we could create something FL/OSS to do this. I had looked briefly a while back to find something similar, but was a bit surprised to find that nothing like this really exists?

Is this something people might find useful? Would you use it?

Side note: I am looking for experienced HTML/CSS/JS folks who want to work on a light project with me… :wink:


I recall using something like this which was either free and / or open source. I prefer offline tools but online is okay too.

Not one of those people but I would love to test, provide feedback and ask questions. :wink:

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After asking on Mastodon, I got a great suggestion for Paletton as an option.

Paletton is my favorite for playing around with color. I wish there was a mobile app as good as it.

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Where is the Palleton license listed? I don’t see it.

It’s not Free Software (an older version is open source, but not free).

Scribus has nice tool “color wheel” for choosing color and finding different color combinations. But it’s not online tool :frowning:

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Side note: I am looking for experienced HTML/CSS/JS folks who want to work on a light project with me… !

I am interested in this. So my question is: “How much experience?”
Can you please give a little bit more information?

I think the answer is “experienced enough to make it work.” Or be able to figure it out as you go along.

I’d imagine this can be implemented entirely in client-side JavaScript, and the end result hosted on the main pixls.us site. It’d proabbaly be helpful to know a bit about manipulating color in JavaScript, the associate libraries, etc.