I2C OLED Display Module

Hi guys,

Which specific type of the I2C OLED Display Module you used for this project?
I was trying to find a correct module on the internet. It turns out with a different choice of module to choose.

According to nickelsound / little-backup-box, I was trying to find a “1.3 inch oled IIC Serial White OLED Display Module 128X64 I2C SSD1306 12864 LCD Screen Board VDD GND SCK SDA for Arduino Black”, but turns out I am getting a lot of module with SCL pin, instead of SCK pin.

By the way, this is an awesome projects. Kudos to dmpop.

Thank you for your kind words! You need a 128x64 I2C OLED display similar to this: https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B076PDVFQD

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@dmpop, is the OLED display on the ‘pi-top [4]’ compatible with LBB? Is there anything I would need to do to enable it support for this display?

I don’t have a pi-top4, so I have no idea. Sorry!

Kind regards,

According to the PiTop 4 site, it says the screen is 128x64, which this project works really well with.
I would recommend installing the project on a second micro SD and just trying it.

The screen I have has GND, VCC, SCL, SDA (left to right as you look at the screen) and it works straight out of the box.

That clears up one thing, the book calls for a “128x32 OLED display” and I couldn’t find any in the form factor shown… :wink:

That clears up one thing, the book calls for a “128x32 OLED display” and I couldn’t find any in the form factor shown

Ah, my bad! Will fix this in the next revision. Thank you for spotting the issue!

Kind regards,

Anybody had trouble with the OLED display? I do have an ssd1306 (128x64) display from AZ-Delivery. The display itself works fine using the ssd1306 Python libraries. But using the oled command screws things up as the lines never matches.

Also I don’t see any display output when LBB runs autonomous, however, when I login via the shell and run the card-backup.sh the display shows fine.

I actually use the exact same OLED from AZ-Delivery. No problem here.