Hi, I am starting to use ImageMagick for the first time and need a little help, particularly with colour management. Being on Mint 20.3, ImageMagick version is 6.something
The command I am working on is resize. I currently have this:
convert -quiet /directory/‘Image Name.tif’ -filter Sinc -resize ‘1600’ -quality ‘95’ /directory/NewName.jpg
I had to use -quiet, for if I didn’t I would get this message:
“convert-im6.q16: Unknown field with tag 36867 (0x9003) encountered. `TIFFReadDirectory’ @ warning/tiff.c/TIFFWarnings/949.”
No idea what that means. Anyway, the image I’m working on has been first exported as 16 bit tif out of darktable with linear rec 2020 colour space. However, when I run identify -verbose it tells me the colorspace is sRGB which is wrong (can confirm by opening the same tiff in Krita. So I guess Krita recognises the profile but ImageMagick doesn’t).
So how do I get ImageMagick to recognise (assign) the current profile? (I want the downsizing to take place in linear space)
Then how do I convert the profile to sRGB once complete? And will this embed that profile in the jpg output?
Also, a question on the -intent command. Will that be useful to determine what happens to OOG colour when converting the profile, or is it what gets embedded in the jpg output?
My guess is the command will look something like:
convert -quiet /directory/‘Image Name.tif’ -set profile /directory/name.icc -filter Sinc -resize ‘1600’ -profile /directory/sRGB.icc -intent ‘Perceptual’ -quality ‘95’ /directory/NewName.jpg
But i haven’t run it, for even if it works I might not be able to confirm the colour management worked as intended, so I seek guidance here. Many thanks!