Images corrupted on export from DT 4.8

I exported some images earlier from DT 4.6 which worked fine, then saw the update to 4.8. I updated, then noodled around a little and exported the images again. They’re coming out ‘half corrupted’, like this:

This is exporting a JPG at quality 85 with high quality resampling enabled. UPDATE: the problem does not occur exporting to PNG. I have upscaling set to No and HQR set to Yes.

To check it’s not a particular module, I’ve tried it on completely unprocessed files and it still occurs. I’m running Linux Mint 21.3 with a ‘blazingly’ ‘fast’ Nvidia GT710. Any ideas?

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No, I’ve got upscale set to no and HQR set to yes. I just updated my post - the problem occurs with JPG but not PNG export.

Do you upscale when exporting?
From the mailing list:

An important note:
We have discovered an issue at the last minute when exporting with up-scaling without using the high-quality processing. In this case the exported image will be corrupted. I felt that this is not critical enough to delay the 4.8.0 release. The fix is ready and will be part of 4.8.1.

Nope, upscaling set to no, HQR to yes.

Try both on yes. see what happens

Hmm yeah that fixes it. I guess it’ll be ironed out when they push the next update.

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I was having a similar problem when upscaling was yes, and HQ resampling set to no. The problem disappeared when both are set to yes

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It might turn out to be part of the new toggle that will show you a hqr preview