While doing copy & import when I select pictures taken at different dates it creates a subfolder of the latest dates and puts all picture in this sub folder instead of creating sub folders for different dates and putting picture in it.
I have taken few picture on 21/06/21 and few on 20/06/21 when i copy&import these picture it will create one subfolder 2021-06-21and put all the picture in it instead of also creating a separate subfolder 2021-06-20 and putting pics taken on that day there
you can see my setting in the screenshot.
Rapid Photo Downloader (which I don’t actually use – I simply copy-paste my files to manually created directories, and then I run a script to rename the files) could do this for you.
You may want to raise an enhancement request on github:
Of course this could be a feature request.
But there are enough occasions where I intentionally combine images from several dates in one directory (e.g. when it makes more sense to store one event in one directory). So for me having the import create directories for each date would not be useful.
There could be an option ‘evaluate directory pattern for each file’.
Here I am instructing to create a sub directory based on date, so it means I want to separate my pictures based on date.
Also why it should select the date for me? If I want to group on some other criteria I would instruct accordingly.
According to me this is not a feature request but a bug. Can someone guide me how to report it as I am not familiar with github.
Note that different users have different requirements, e.g.
So I think it should be a feature request – don’t be selfish.
Anyway, to file a bug (feature request is similar, you just click a different button on the issue type screen):
You log into Github:
Go to GitHub - darktable-org/darktable: darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer, click Issues:
Click New issue:
Click Get started next to Bug Report:
A click link to get there directly:
- You then fill in the details according to the instructions in the template, and click Submit new issue:
The feature already exists. If you want to import in folders depending on the capture date and not on the import date, you have to change the settings to create folder names based on the EXIF_DAY
In the preference window:
on the sub directory naming pattern, replace:
with something like: $(EXIF_YEAR)/$(EXIF_MONTH)/$(EXIF_DAY)
The full documentation on all variables are here: darktable 3.4 user manual - import
I’ll try this once I get near my computer. If this works I apologise for not reading the manual
I am sorry, this works!