Importing a mask with subject recognition (and background)

Recenly started the big migration away from LR, but tweaking the family b-day party pictures took so much time, that I cheated and used LR again. Mainly for this subject/backgroud mask.

I stumbled upon this “tool”: BGBye - Background Remover by Fyrean, while looking into this subject.

Which does a very good job in recognizing the subject and via inverse I would say also the background. For my personal subjects this algoritm created the best results: InSPyReNet: (GitHub - plemeri/InSPyReNet: Official PyTorch implementation of Revisiting Image Pyramid Structure for High Resolution Salient Object Detection (ACCV 2022)). Not possible to run it with raw images.

Is there anyway (plugin), script, api to somehow “integrate” something like this into RT (perhaps running it in CoLab for performance)?

Found this Compfy UI flow, for adding it into an alpha mask:’ / X](, not sure if that would be somekind of solution.

Not sure if such a subject is allowed on this forum…