Improve my unsharp Pixel 6a RAW edit!

Hello everyone,

Can anyone match the sharpness/detail of the OOC JPEG of my Pixel 6? Even though i have already sharpened and used the contrast equalizer quite excessively, the ridges in the glacier in the far background for example look muddy.

What am I missing here? Does anybody want to have fun with the image and give a newbie example edits or hints?


My quick and dirty edit with mentioned problem area:

20240422_0943_0019.dng.xmp (29.0 KB)
20240422_0943_0019.dng (15.3 MB)


All files are licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

20240422_0943_0019-2.jpg.out.pp3 (13,9 KB)

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EDIT: it is caused by the denoise module as noted by apostel338 below

Looking at the details available in the jpeg versus the sharpened raw (with darktable lens deblur hard preset) it looks like your phone used some computational photography magic to generate the jpeg.

It is likely that the phone combined multiple pictures to reduce the noise and/or used IA upscaling algorithms and the RAW file only reflects one picture. So I doubt you can reproduce the jpeg sharpness using the RAW.

The Denoise (profiled) kills all you fine details of the photo.

There is no noise profile available for your Pixel, so it uses a generic noise profile which mostly kills details. I would set it up to work only on color noise to get at least some reasonable result.


I’m not at my computer with DT now but I think I did an edit on a Pixel 6 picture not long ago…

I think I likely tried to pull out some details there so you could check what settings I used…

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I had the same problem with DNGs from iPhone ProRAW. You have to deactivate the denoise profiled module, that cannot handle those phone raw images. It makes all details flat.

Better use diffuse or sharpen to denoise it.

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Yes, the main problem definitely was the denoise profiled module! For my main camera I rarely need to touch it. I guess I need to evaluate the effect of that module more often. I will have to do some manual reading :slight_smile: Thanks @Roland_Rainer and @apostel338.

@priort, thanks for the sample file! I will have a closer look tomorrow.

My version…

20240422_0943_0019.dng.xmp (16.1 KB)

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Using the chroma only preset is not bad and sometime you do get color noise that can be ugly on faces etc…

my simple versión…

20240422_0943_0019.dng.xmp (8,9 KB)

Here is a simple comparision using ART…

Just my default style plus a tiny bit of extra sharpening…
20240422_0943_0019.dng.arp (12.0 KB)

I have one xmp but two pictures…

20240422_0943_0019.dng.xmp (16.2 KB)

The difference between both is, that on the second picture RustiCL was enabled. I know it’s still flagged experimental. But I don’t have this strange effect with other pictures and the problem doesn’t seem to be related to any module but is there straight after loading the pic.

Relative and perceptual renders…

20240422_0943_0019.dng.xmp (12.3 KB)

Continued messing with the basecurve… Relative and Perceptual

20240422_0943_0019_01.dng.xmp (12.8 KB)

I didn’t try to edit this photo except for noise and sharpness in DT V4.7.

Noise was not a major problem and I controlled that using astrophoto denoise module. The denoise (profiled) was an obvious disaster out the box on this image probably because a generic poissonian profile was applied rather than something truly profiled to the specific image.

I also found I needed to experiment with the various sharpening options in the diffuse or sharpen module to get the better result.

This is an interesting image to play with. The camera has set a high bar with the OOC-JPEG
20240422_0943_0019.dng.xmp (16.0 KB)

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My - fun in GIMP


It would be nice if you could run darktable from console with these options

darktable -d opencl -d pipe --dump-pipe rawprepare,demosaic

and provide a) the xmp file b) the logfile and c) a zip archive of the dumped pfm files, at the start of the log you see a report where that is like darktable dump directory is '/tmp/darktable_SK7FM2

At the moment, I switched back to rocm because I have multiple problems with RustiCL.
But I will make a switch the next days to deliver the requested files.

OK, here we are:
20240422_0943_0019.dng.xmp (12.9 KB)
darktable.txt (74.6 KB)
And the Zip archive is here. Link is valid for one week:

Ok and thanks. Data show the artifacts already after rawprepare.