Improvements in the lens corrections support in PhotoFlow

I have just finished working on several improvements in the lens corrections code, in particular:

  • I have imported part of RawTherapee’s meta-data extraction code into PhotoFlow, because in many cases it provides a lens name that better matches the one in the LensFun database.
    RT’s lens names are AFAIK taken from the “MakerNote” tag for some of the camera manufacturers.
  • The lens matching code now takes the usual EXIV2 lens name as the first option, and then uses RT’s lens name as an alternative if the first option does not provide a good match.
  • Finally, I have re-organized a bit the layout of the UI widgets:

The new code is currently available in the stable branch. New packages are being build at the time of writing.

If the new code is reliable and really improves the lens detection, then I will merge it in the v0.3.0-rc1 branch as well…