in praise of wayland

i know i had a hard time with wayland. i periodically tried it in the last years, then months, then weeks and days… today i think i have a working setup. there is a long history of stuff that didn’t work, starting with nvidia drivers, vulkan initialisation, segfaults for window decorations, misplaced mouse coordinates, … the list goes on forever, and i still have glitches left, right and center in all sorts of programs. but: it’s so easy to get held up writing about all the broken things. i really didn’t want to do that now.

it turns out i had completely misunderstood the wayland ecosystem. coming from x11, it’s probably fair to say that wayland does absolutely nothing. all the logic is in the compositor, which also means that you can’t just run something minimal like xterm and assume that the features will mostly be the same as for a full blown desktop environment (or, on wayland, run weston or kde and think basic features like content scale factor will be similar). this also means that in practice we depend on a few brave individuals who just keep moving forward and do whatever it takes to make things work. hyprland is such a project.

long and painful story short i compiled hyprland from git, which seems to be one of the few ways to get wayland+compositor to work on debian (because debian/sid is too old, go figure). i know other distros are more modern and some of you folks here manage to run wayland just fine… for me this was a first :slight_smile:

and man, using vkdt on hyprland has been so much fun! it’s incredibly smooth:

wayland just refreshes so much more timely than x11. i had to completely reimplement the way the event handling is propagated from glfw to nuklear , because on x11 you would get away with a few more “state based” input things. there was one minor nuisance with the way sliders in vkdt and blender work, but that’s very quick to fix once you have access to a fast moving compositor :slight_smile:

this fast/gpu philosophy seems to be very much in line with vkdt, i think wayland and vkdt will be friends. i suppose i could say even today vkdt runs better on wayland than on x11. speaking for the git version of course, not so much the last release. which seems to be quite common for wayland software (see above). the sore spot is of course that i depend on argyll to create display profiles for colour management…


+1 for hyprland, it’s pretty good.

I agree with speed, there’s no comparison to x11, especially if you have high refresh rate monitors, dual monitor setup with different refresh rates, etc, and best of all for me, no tearing :slight_smile:

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…now we only need to wait for all the toolchain to mature. but yes, the refresh is something that means i probably won’t go back.


Where is Jo and what have you done with him??


haha… to be fair i disabled the animations and might need to un-style the thing a bit more to feel more comfortable…