Indication whether OpenCL is working or not

Dear all,

I hope, I am not alone with this dream:


I’d disagree that we need this all the way in the UI. I think it is pretty clear how to check if it is working, and as far as darktable goes, it is binary: either it works or you likely have an issue somewhere else on your system. If the issue is elsewhere on your system, why should the indication come from darktable itself?


Basically you are right 99.99% it is not dt’s fault. However, I thought it is not painful to indicate it somewhere (might be little).

I do have issues from time to time and thanks to powerful Core i9 I didn’t notice right away.

I am using a primitive test and a stopwatch, exporting 10 instances of an edited photo. On my old Windows PC with a 4 GB GPU, this should be at least three times faster than without opencl.
The last time I’ve had also Linux on this machine, the results were even better.
On a much newer cheap Win laptop with the integrated Intel card, the boost is only about 30-40%, and not worth the price, since it can introduce strange glitches. Opencl was disabled on this laptop with Linux, when I have tried for the last time.

Doing such test, I’d rather use the methods I described on GitHub, which is 10 times faster and still not satisfying me :slight_smile:

On my machine I just wondered, why I still had some lag editing white-balance and finally found “ooops” opencl has an udev-issue

I think that an error message when OpenCL is not working although activated in the options would be enough.

Oh yeah, that is perfectly thinking it further!

Sorry for terrible “Germanism”

I fixed the clumsy title.

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With “optimized” instead of “clumsy” I’d be even happier :smile:

Just now I realize, seems my (yes also a bit clumsy) titel from GitHub didn’t get copied to here, rather than the standard description…