Initial workflow lua script

I’m having a hard time installing this script on Windows. I’ve never done anything with Lua before. It seems I have to manually create a Lua folder in appdata/Local/darktable, but then I’m stuck at this step in the instructions:

Require this script from your luarc file. To do this, add the path of this file to .config/darktable/luarc: require “examples/InitialWorkflowModule”

No idea what that means…

Many moons ago I set this up…

I think you need git on your system…

But if I recall I just installed them from the script manager


My folder looks like this…


I just copied the initial workflow script into the contrib directory and then started it from the script manager …

Instructions here

Originally I had to

After that then I think if the script manager is in the luarc file you can do everything from there…

Sorry to be brief… 2 AM my time… falling asleep and heading to bed… I’ll check in tomorrow …

EDIT…I don’t use appdata… I redirect to a folder call DT_config… its just easier to find and manage and if I have more versions running I just create DT_config2 etc…


Thanks Todd, I’ll take a look after work today to see if I can figure it out.

Cannot one install the script via the script manager?

additional repositories of scripts may be installed from the install/update action.
(darktable lua documentation - script_manager)

The link to the repo was shared above.

Edit: yes, it works. Use GitHub - UliGesing/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module: This script extends darktable. It offers a new "inital workflow" module both in lighttable and darkroom view. It can be used to do some configuration for an initial image workflow. for the URL, and provide a category name with no funny characters:

You’ll then be able to start it as any other:

Off topic. Is there a one sentence explanation of how to use these? I’ve read the manual on lua scripts and it’s not really clear to people like me, though I’ll give it a go when I get chance and hopefully won’t break anything. I just want to set a bunch of defaults that typically apply to all images - exposure, defuse & sharpen, colour balance rgb, etc. - that I can then tweak. Maybe I just need to create a style and apply that to all images…? Thanks

Edit: Should have read further down the thread. Looks like this may have been answered

You can create auto presets to apply to selected camera’s lenses and file types so that is one way.

Ulrich’s script just gives you a module to do a bunch of things on startup. It will run some autopickers which is nice. I have my exposure set to 50% and the autopicker is often a good selection for starting rather than a fixed bump from the current default also it will set the mask for the tone eq so its ready to go and will set the color balance mask. You can also configure quite a few other settings…. It won’t break anything its just running an automated sequence through a set of modules…

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Howdy. When I try to install additional scripts, I get the message git not found. Install or specific the location of the git executable. Any ideas? Thanks
But the git link there is plain wrong: Use:


looks like git can’t be found… I guess you could see if it can be found in your path…but really to get this script running just copy the lua file to the lua/contrib folder in your DT config folder. Then run the scripts manager…select the contrib group and find the initial workflow script and set it to run…

It will run each time you start DT and provide the module with the selection options…

By setting up git, the script manager will be able to manage LUA scripts, and update them. The latter does not work without git.

Thanks Todd. I don’t know what this means…

I’ve done this and It doesn’t appear in the contrib scripts in the script manager


I’ve already installed git for Linux. Thanks

Sorry, I thought you were on Windows.
So, if you open a terminal, and type git, is it not found? What Linux distro, and how did you install git (via your distro’s package manager)?

It’s installed. Just reconfirmed. It’s found on the terminal

Let’s move this to a separate thread, if you still need help. Setting up the Lua script manager has nothing to do with the original topic.


Yup that’s done.

Sorry maybe you still need to be able to update to see it…it has been a long time since i installed it… I thought I just copied it there and restarted DT and then found it in the scripts manager… sorry if I steered you wrong… Is there any way you have more than one config folder floating around or anything going on… or just one simple install of DT on your system??

No need to apologise, to say the least. I don’t think I have more than one config folder, though I had to create a Darktable folder within the config path. It’s fairly late here so I’ll leave it for today. Thanks for your help

Then something is wrong, as darktable stores all its config files (darktablerc, the database and so on) in there.

  • What Linux distro?
  • How did you install darktable? Built it yourself, distro package, AppImage, Flatpak, snap?
  • What happens if you try to find darktablerc? Try the following command: locate darktablerc
  • How do you start darktable? With a script of your own making, or from a desktop icon? Do you (via the script of the icon) supply any command-line arguments?
  • If you start it from the command-line with darktable -d common, what directories are listed at the start? Of course, if you use other options in a startup script or desktop icon, add them as well as -d common. I get:
    $ darktable -d common
    0.0001 application_directory: /home/kofa/darktable-master/bin
    0.0001 darktable.datadir: /home/kofa/darktable-master/share/darktable
    0.0001 darktable.plugindir: /home/kofa/darktable-master/lib/darktable
    0.0001 darktable.localedir: /home/kofa/darktable-master/share/locale
=== this is the important line ===
    0.0001 darktable.configdir: /home/kofa/.config/darktable
=== this is the important line ===
    0.0001 darktable.cachedir: /home/kofa/.cache/darktable
    0.0001 darktable.sharedir: /home/kofa/darktable-master/share
    0.0001 darktable.tmpdir: /tmp
    [... rest of output omitted ...]
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