Input/output saturation?

Hello @agriggio,
I just noticed that you have splitted the single saturation slider in the Color Correction section into Input saturation and Output saturation. What’s the idea behind this, or: how to use?

Regards, Paul.

I actually didn’t “split” the saturation slider, but I added more control. The old code was using only what is now called “input saturation” in the “standard” mode, and “output saturation” in RGB and HSL modes. The extra sliders allow to control the saturation at different stages of the pipeline. More specifically:

  • in standard mode, you have first slope/offset/power, then input saturation, that the color grid, then output saturation(*)

  • in RGB and HSL modes, you have first input saturation(*), then slope/offset/power, then output saturation

where settings marked with (*) are the new ones.


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Thanks for your reaction Alberto. The only little problem I see is that an average user/photographer like me has no idea of pipelines and processing stages, I just watch the photo changing while editing.

I’ll experiment a bit more to see if I can get more control over the process.

I know it can be a bit confusing, but I added it after being frustrated that I couldn’t get the skin tones how I wanted them on a particular picture (at least, not without struggling more than what I thought was acceptable). Now I think the module is easier to use overall, despite the increase in complexity…

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Maybe my improvement proposal could help users use these tools better …? :innocent:

[Functionality request] Pipeline indicator

Ah, I think you might be picking at a fundamental issue in usability. RT and dt represent two different fundamental software organizations regarding usability:

  1. RT has a defined and hard-coded order, mainly to abstract that from its users who are more concerned with the end result. In automotive terms: Automatic Transmission

  2. dt now has user-modifiable ordering, to support users who are concerned with and/or want to understand the effect of alternate ordering. Manual Transmission

  3. For an extreme take past dt, my software rawproc has no defined ordering; the user lays on operators one-by-one from the ‘really raw’ image to the final rendition. I’ve added some configuration conveniences like being able to specify a default toolchain for proofing, but the software only knows presenting raw for further work. Semi-Truck Manual Transmission requiring Double-Clutching :laughing:

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I must be missing something. What module are we talking about here in ‘Color’?

@stuntflyer: see screenshot.


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