Installation on Linux

So, I’m a fair newbie to Linux. I’ve put Elementary OS (Ver 7.0 this time) on a machine and have been playing with it. I chose EOS because it purports itself as being for the non-Linux geek out there. As it turns out, that’s a bit of a stretch, but here we are.

One of the things I’ve noticed is there are about eleventy-seven different ways to install applications in Linux, and resultingly they wind up in a myriad of locations.

I had played with EOS v6.1 in the past, and installing ART proved to be a bit of a “challenge”. Unfortunately I corrupted that installation (OS) and had to start over which is where I am today.

Can one of you Linux-philes out there provide some guidance on the best way to install ART and then have the icon show up in the “Applications” tool?

Thank you

I’m not familiar with EOS (aside from Canon EOS :slight_smile:) but if your desktop environment adheres to the Free Desktop standard the installer should (IME) put a shortcut on whatever menu you’re using. Ultimately, the shortcuts are just *.desktop files, but if you’re not getting one you’d have to locate where they’re kept – which may be in several locations – then create one for ART. Not difficult (they’re just text files) but probably past where you’d want to go if you’re not comfortable poking around under the covers as it were.

@agriggio can answer more about what the installer does, though.

He doesn’t offer any Linux Installer. If OP uses the official binaries, they just need to be unpacked and ran. Don’t know EOS, so don’t know how to set up the shortcut manually.

Elementary OS is using flatpaks extensively now, so why not grab the necessary apps from flathub: elementary OS Flathub Setup | Flathub

There is a whole bunch of photo software already there and most if it is pretty up to date.

Edit: whoops I don’t think ART is flatpaked yet, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be. I’ll take a look at it soon I hope.


You can install an app called “menu editor” or similar, which should be relatively straightforward to use. Just add a new entry with the full path to the ART binary and the proper icon.


I have a mostly unused Mint VM (although I ran Xubuntu when it was my full desktop) and ART is installed in /opt/ART, a symlink to the version-specific directory. I guess that would explain the location rather than being spread under /usr. :slight_smile:

My (desktop) ART.desktop file looks like this, if it helps:

[len@pepper] ~/Desktop $ cat ART.desktop
[Desktop Entry]

Of course the Exec line will need to be adjusted to reflect the host system if different.

If it’s from a repository, then it’s not offered by Alberto but some independent maintainer. Or you compiled it yourself. Maybe doobs could tell us where he wants to install ART from.

And Alberto seems to be right, there should be editors in the App-Store like AppEditor or MenuLibre. (Haven’t tried them, just looked up a bit.)

As I recall, I downloaded the binaries tarball and went from there.* But that’s off-topic from the OP’s question. However, even if there’s not a suitable menu editor a *.desktop file can be created on the desktop with just a text editor and it can be used to launch ART. That’s very easy.

* Which is why I commented about the location. I first worked on *nix in 1999 and it was SPARC Solaris in those days. I got used to installing stuff in /opt by default…

This is the way I do it.
Go to agriggio / ART / Downloads — Bitbucket
Download ART-1.20.tar.xz
I extract it to my desktop
Open the folder on the desktop
Click on the file ART and that’s it.
That’s the way I install ART and run it.

All done.