Instruction for compiling and building of Darktable 2.7.0 for Windows 10

Hello everyone.
Did find a instruction for compiling en building darktable for windows. But for a newby as I it is not easy to understand the instrcutions completely.

I did make a complation and a build for Windows 10.
The result after startup in MINGW64 is:

$ /opt/darktable/bin/darktable.exe
dt_gui_load_theme: error parsing C:\msys64\opt\darktable\share\darktable/themes/darktable.css: :1:0Failed to import: Error opening file C:\msys64\opt\darktable\share\darktable\themes\darktable.css: No such file or directory
[l10n] error: can’t open iso-codes file `C:\msys64\opt\darktable\share\darktable…\iso-codes\json\iso_639-2.json’
there won’t be nicely translated language names in the preferences.
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144
[dt_pthread_create] info: bumping pthread’s stacksize from 0 to 262144

Could somebody help me with a more concrete instrction to get a working Darktable.
Many Thanks upfront.

I have just followed the build instructions in the build.txt file on git. and I have not had any problems??

I did make some errors and recompiled and rebuild. Now only warnings are PANGO. It concerns fonts that i can not download from the internet. No problem. Darktable falls back to a basis font that is good readable.

Moved to software/darktable category.