Interesting UI option I only just noticed

Doesnt Ctrl-Shift-V offer the same options?

Upon checking it does. The only advantage with Ctrl-Shift-C would be making these selections would be just once and not for each image. But thanks for pointing out that Ctrl-Shift-V has the same functionality. I learn something new once again.

BTW, did you get a satisfactory solution to your original post?

I think the complexities of shortcuts are such that noone can really document the options.

I just reread the start of the thread and noticed that you can assign mouse drag (up down left right) to shortcuts.

I’ll have to try that tomorrow!!

One more thing you may not have noticed.

If you are in darkroom mode with the filmstrip visible, Ctrl-C Ctrl-V etc act on the image the mouse pointer is resting on.

So you can be looking at image A, point the mouse at image-B , and copy image-B settings to Image-C. This is useful when skipping between images involves a delay waiting for DT to reprocess and display.