Invasive warning ...

Hello people.
I still have my old K200D, and Darktable 3.8.1-2 always shouts at me I should share raw file to be able to use future Darktable version with this DSLR.
( though the repo has yet the requested raw files , I submitted mine.)
But, have a look at my screen , this warning feels it, there’s just a little space left for menus …
How can I get rid of this ?
thanks for your help :wink:


Hello Yann - my suggestion is to upgrade to a more recent version of darktable after first checking the CURRENT darktable documentation on supported cameras. When I checked just now I found the line

Pentax K200D Yes Yes RawSpeed

suggesting all is well. There are a (huge) number of stability and processing improvements that make upgrading worthwhile; however do backup your database first (library.db and data.db)

Hello Martin.
OK , i will try an upgrade.
As often, my linux distro tells me I have the latest version, but I will look for another repository.
Thank you very much for you answer :wink:

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Why the emoji? You are running a over two year old version of darktable which is four releases behind current stable while 4.8 is about to being released.

The Flatpak version works well.

Huge changes and huge improvements since 3.8. It is worth doing the stable release upgrades that come out every six months. 4.6 is current and 4.8 will be out soon.

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Thx all.
Trying to upgrade the installed version, some issues, I’m trying …
Thx again.

OK It’s done, i got 4.6.1 version .
Thank you every one ^^ :smile: