Is there FOSS video editing software?

How would you organize it? A video category with all the programs listed: Cinelerras, Kdenlive, Olive, Openshot, Pitivi, Shotcut, etc…

That’s a good question. We’ve already got a Software category that technically they could all fit in, but it might make sense to have a /video/ category possibly? I’m open to suggestions!

I think software is the best place for it… So as not to muck up our forum structure. We also want to create communities that will be populated and used, so if there are existing communities that already have a platform, maybe this isn’t the best idea. We don’t want to further divide.

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Now thinking about it better, maybe a video production category rather than adding programs to the software one? Maybe we get to discuss floss video making and not just app support? At least to me, this is a place I would like to have. Either way both solutions seem nice.

Edit: Do you think there will be interest?

+1 for not dividing

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Hard for me to gauge, since I am not active in the video editing communities.

I’m open to whatever arrangement of categories make sense, so long as they’re used. We also need moderators for those categories as well.

A video editing category would probably be more active than the digital painting one. :cricket: Video editing is fun but I don’t have a use case for it. I wouldn’t mind participating in (or even moderating) the category.

Back when I started Libre Graphics World some 11 years ago (holy crap, doesn’t time just fly), I was seriously expecting similar projects to appear for video and audio domains any time then. About 9 months into that adventure, I just started covering those myself and never really stopped since then. Some similar projects appeared eventually but none of them is currently active.

So my advice is to just do it. Probably a half of active NLE projects already have forums or at least a mailing list, at least two of them use Reddit for a forum. And then Olive has both a Discord channel for public interaction and a semi-closed Slack channel for core ppl. So some will turn your offer down and then some will probably be happy to move over to pixls. Try it and see what happens.

I think I am one of the oldest readers of LGW. :slight_smile:

The idea, I imagine, would be to not replace current community forums but use this one to connect video makers using floss tools, so this could include hopefully include animation, mograph and compositing stuff as well in the future. But yeah, we must see if there is actual interest and not just wishful thinking from my side at least.

Don’t have much time these days but I can surely join the moderation if needed.

Long time reader too.

My thought is that if we have a compelling discussion going, the search engines will pick it up and draw in people naturally. Lots of young people are extremely interested in this topic. Almost everyone I know has touched some sort of audio-video software and they aren’t creatives or enthusiasts.

Hm, I am approaching this topic a bit from a different perspective: While it seems that most photographers here care most about the single picture, what I do is “FLOSS media production”. Photographs are for photo books, calendars, papers, … and therefore, tools such as inkscape and scribus are heavily involved. And for video it’s similar, ardour for the audio preproduction, inkscape for titles, natron for some effects, … For me it is really hard to draw the border.


I hope it is OK to revive an old topic instead of starting a new one about the same question.

I am looking for simple video editing software on Linux (Debian, but anything that has Flatpak etc will do). Mostly I want a compose a short video made out of holiday video snippets, including

  • cutting parts I do not need/want
  • stitching together various short clips, maybe with some text in between (to show time and place)
  • cropping to part of the shot would be nice, but not absolutely necessary

The videos are very far from professional. Just capturing some moments with my Panasonic GX9, which does not even have an external mic input. Mostly Full HD.

The goal is to get some output with the minimum of learning. I like learning stuff but I rarely work with video and don’t want to invest in it. I am looking for the Libreoffice of video, not the Emacs of video.


I would say your best bet is Shotcut. It’s fairly straight forward and simple to use, especially for a small montage with a few clips.

Kdenlive is also good but IMO not as intuitive and stable.


I’ve processed a few videos under Kdenlive, and it worked well enough for me. You may not need the features that were important to me, though (sync the camera’s audio, recorded using the built-in mic, with externally recorded audio from a higher quality, clip-on microphone).

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Yep. It is really a good choice :slight_smile:

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I’d recommend Kdenlive, you can either try the AppImage or Flatpak versions.


I would say Kdenlive. I used Shotcut for some time, but I found the former to be much more stable, at least on Windows. With better support. But that was early days for Shotcut.

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