I've got a bone to pick...

Thought I’d come up with a pithy title for a recent post but it caused the site to have a fainting fit and threw this error

If youre gonna insist on 16 characters at least let me choose those 16 characters and the order I put them in

Rant over
Hugs & kisses


I tried “Primera Primavera” and was forced to add a disclaimer.

Aahh, so that’s what that was about! And you got your character count up by making the disclaimer longer than the title…

This is mostly to save the few of us who run the site the trouble of cleaning up a lot of spam.


@HIRAM Just a test: I changed your title. Feel free to revert it. :slight_smile:

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So not just a random thing.
I’ll grant you that and stop whinging.
Happy admins equals happy users :slightly_smiling_face: