Kipi-plugins 0.1.6 release for KDE3

Kipi-plugins 0.1.6 for KDE3 has been just released. The tarball can be downloaded from SourceForge at this url.

This release will be the last one for KDE3 desktop. The team will concentrate work to KDE4 code where few plugins are not yet ported

This release include severals fix for Flickr and PicasaWeb export plugins. See below the list of new features and bugs report closed:

FlickrExport : dialog layout re-written to be more suitable.
FlickrExport : list of item to upload is now display in dialog.
FlickrExport : Support RAW files format to upload as JPEG preview.
PicasaWebExport: Support RAW files format to upload as JPEG preview.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at